Heat Networks: Can Scotland Leapfrog Europe in Decarbonising Heat?

Third generation heat networks are very common across Europe. But not so common in Scotland. So, while other countries may be looking to move networks to net zero, we can start anew.



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Martin McKay
Chief Executive, Clyde Gateway

Clyde Gateway is Scotland’s biggest and most ambitious regeneration programme.  As Chief Executive, Martin has a strategic and executive role across all aspects of Clyde Gateway’s capital investment and Inward Investment activities.

Over the last 10 years Clyde Gateway has won a range of awards for its regeneration work, developing a portfolio of business space including offices and industrial as well as the successful Red Tree Business Suites brand.

Martin also leads Clyde Gateway’s Green Regeneration Innovation District (GRID) that will lever green recovery with job creation and sustainable economic growth.  GRID includes a District Heating Network, in partnership with Scottish Water Horizons, and is home to a pan European 5th Generation District Heating & Cooling (5GDHC) pilot.

Martin is a Chartered Architect and Fellow of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS).

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Dave Pearson
Group Sustainable Development Director Star Refrigeration Ltd

Dave Pearson is a Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor to Edinburgh Napier University. He’s also Chair of CEED Scotland, a knowledge sharing collective with over 160 member companies in Scotland. By day, Dave is Group Director of Sustainable Development of Star Refrigeration Ltd manufacturers of large refrigeration systems and industrial heat pumps. Most notably, river source ammonia heat pump deployments in Drammen, Zurich, Clydebank, Jarrow, Bristol and soon Liverpool. He’s also responsible for Star’s work in Data Analytics where good data analysis leads to better customer outcomes. A final interest lies in the internal business sustainable development where he advocates following the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development goals.

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Sonja van Renssen
Editor-in-Chief, Energy Monitor

Sonja van Renssen is editor-in-chief of Energy Monitor, GlobalData's flagship energy title. We're a fully digital, data-led publication dedicated to the global energy transition. Sonja also oversees GD's other energy-related sites, Power Technology, Mining Technology and Offshore Technology. She's a climate and energy journalist based in Brussels with >15 years experience in the sector.

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