5th annual Customer Experience in Financial Services Conference 2025

Bringing banking and insurance professionals together to explore the latest customer-centric and digital advancements to revolutionise their customer experience strategies.

17 - 18


  • London, UK
  • Free

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Attendees at Director+ level








Attendees at Director+ level

2024 Agenda

  • 18 Jun 2024
  • 19 Jun 2024
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Stream one

Stream A - Changing Customer Behaviours

Stream two

Stream B – Digital Innovation

11:30 AM

An introduction to the science behind ‘the art of Change Management’ for Digital Innovation

From the Head of Change at the country’s largest retailer. Chris will be covering things to consider when driving change at scale in any organisation, why people are so bad at naturally adapting to change, where to start with your planned changes and what good looks like. Answering questions like, what is the difference between change and transformation? 

You all have a role to play in making change happen and this talk is no different, so come prepared to be involved!   


Christopher TS Harvey
Head of Change, Tesco

12 PM

People Powered Customer Experience

Great CX in Financial Services starts with your people. How can you empower your teams to deliver for clients in an increasingly complex world? 

  • Connected knowledge and information clients & colleagues can rely on 
  • Automate everything and focus on value 
  • Gen AI readiness 
  • Think about where you are before starting the journey 


Yohan Lobo
Industry Solution Manager - Financial Services, M-Files

12:30 PM

Panel: How do we become a digitally focused, customer-centric company?

  • Discuss the role of information architecture, and how we can use it to determine what solutions we need
  • Where do we begin? Should the focus start on customer needs, or back office systems?
  • Is it possible to be a digitally focused, customer-centric company?


Suneet Muru
Analyst, GlobalData
Ben Revill
Financial Service Business Manager, Xpedition
Jason Maude
Chief Technology Advocate, Starling Bank

1 PM

Lunch break

2 PM

Elevating experiences with data driven personalisation

  • Combine data for tailored profiles and scalable personalisation
  • Leverage analytics to drive successful experiences amid evolving regulations
  • Consumers are less and less likely to share their data, how do you plan on overcoming this?
  • What approach we can take where customers do not want to be tracked or analysed but still wants the great customer experience?
  • How does the new consumer duty regulations affect your insights?


Janthana Kaenprakhamroy
CEO and Founder, Tapoly

2:30 PM

Harnessing AI to optimise your CX strategy

In a globalized economy, consumers are placing ever-rising demand on financial services. Transparency, security, and bestin- practice engagement is a must, with customers expecting fast and frequent communication. Providing reliable omnichannel CX is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity.

That being said, the state of customer satisfaction within the financial sector is continuing to decline. According to the UK Customer Satisfaction Index, over the last year, both the bank & building societies and insurance industries saw a drop in their Customer Satisfaction scores (UKCSI, 2024). Investing in your CX technology is essential; Content Guru provides organisations access to best-in-class AI solutions, enabling intelligent automation capabilities within storm®, ultimately supporting agent efficiency without sacrificing human connectivity.

Join Ed Winfield, VP of Global Partnerships at Content Guru, to learn more about harnessing the power of AI to best meet your organization’s CX needs.


Ed Winfield
Vice President/Director Global Partnerships, Content Guru

3 PM

Fireside Chat: Looking at CX from a compliance perspective: how to get ready for the upcoming consumer duty regulation?

  • Discuss current themes and challenges encountered by customers
  • Are the solutions to these challenges regulatory or institutional?
  • Investigate the impact of the consumer duty regulation on dayto- day operations
  • Return to basics and ensuring that employees are prepared for the upcoming changes
  • Determine what this new regulation means for customers and adapting business functions to provide a better customer experience


Stephen Walker
Lead Analyst, Thematic & Fintech Research, GlobalData
Keith Richards
CEO, Consumer Duty Alliance
Stewart Lancaster
Head of Operations Control, Close Brothers Asset Management
Nkilika Amobi
Executive Director: Head of Conduct Financial Crime and Compliance, Standard Chartered Bank
Adrian Harvey
CEO, Elephants Don't Forget

3:30 PM

Networking Break

4:15 PM

Deploying AI for practical use in financial services

  • How do we use AI and automation to drive high quality customer experience? 
  • Discuss best use cases such as chatbots, personalised product recommendations, fraud detection, and onboarding 
  • Examine implementation considerations needed before transforming your business 


Jason Maude
Chief Technology Advocate, Starling Bank

8:15 AM

Registration and refreshments

8:45 AM

Chair’s opening remarks

9 AM

Keynote: Your writing is your customer experience

Words are almost certainly the main thing your company produces: emails, ads, web pages, product descriptions, app content, help articles, Ts&Cs, customer service scripts, complaints responses, and on, and on. And they’re probably the main way your customers (current and prospective) interact with you. But the power they have to shape people’s experience is often wildly underappreciated – companies will spend a lot of time and money on some words and give very little attention to others, without realising the damage that does to trust, loyalty and ultimately the bottom line. We’ll take a whistlestop tour through the theory and science behind why language is much more important than most companies realise, and why so much business writing just isn’t effective. And we’ll look at how Monzo Bank has used this secret power to rocket to 9 million customers in just 9 years and consistently get industry-leading customer
satisfaction scores.

There will be bad jokes – apologies in advance


Harry Ashbridge
Head of Writing & Customer Experience, Monzo

9:30 AM

Streamline your client business processes

  • Rethink today’s costly, inefficient, and fragmented customer experience requiring significant manual intervention 
  • Provide a private, personalised, and modern service journey to increase efficiency and drive retention 
  • Leverage interaction workspaces with collaborative workflows. Streamline customer onboarding, account management, and everything in between 
  • Oversee customer accounts with a complete audit trail, role management, and seamless transfer of account interactions across staff 
  • Coordinate with your customers, partners, and teams to achieve joint deliverables, hit milestones, gather approvals, and more 


Shimona Pinto
UK Country Manager , MOXO

10 AM

Panel: Designing a unique CX and UX vision for 2025

  • Discuss initiatives to build momentum for unique client experiences
  • Define aspirations and the goals for your clients to deliver unique experiences
  • How do the overall capabilities of the staff support the CX the company wants to
  • Examine the role emerging technologies have on delivering personalised and
    distinct experiences



Beatriz Benito
Lead Analyst, GlobalData
Janthana Kaenprakhamroy
CEO and Founder, Tapoly
Dr. Katalin Varga-Toldi
Head of Premium & Mass Customer Segment Management Retail Client Tribe, OTP Bank
Shimona Pinto
UK Country Manager , MOXO
Philip Michell
Consulting Director, Davies Group

10:30 AM

Where does eXperience Start and Finish?

If eXperience is a measure of what people think and feel, then the questions are, who are the people, and what are they thinking and feeling about? Following that, we might ask how these eXperiences can be improved, and whether such improvement leads to better value for our institution.

Further again, we might want to provoke them to think about topics, which they may not be thinking about at all. This, in turn, might cause us to consider more about our definition for eXperience, and what we should do about it.



John Glennane
CEO and Founder, Capventis

11 AM

Networking break

11:30 AM

Reboarding: a strategic framework to create bond and grow value in your existing client portfolio

Banking is a people business and client-bank relationships are just like any other human relationships. We change, grow, transform continuously and our thinking, perspectives, opportunities and even our expectations change too. Thus, sometimes we need to re-establish our existing relationships and reposition ourselves. In banking the same transformation happens with our clients and we cannot depend on what we previously knew about them. Reboarding is a “2.0 welcoming process” and gives us an opportunity to grow customer experience by strengthening our relationships with our existing customers. The presentation covers the following topics:

  • Types of onboarding: why reboarding is different?
  • Show stoppers: what kills your efficiency?
  • Price of growth: why lifetime value matters?
  • Strategic steps: what are the key elements of a reboarding program?
  • Actions: when, how & who you should reboard?
  • Results and research: what are the learnings of our reboarding campaigns?


Dr. Katalin Varga-Toldi
Head of Premium & Mass Customer Segment Management Retail Client Tribe, OTP Bank

12 PM

Fireside Chat: How Nationwide transformed customer feedback into Simply Brilliant Service

To support their ambition of consistently delivering  Simply Brilliant Service, Nationwide knew its transformation plan needed customer voices at the heart of the organisation.

Working with Medallia and Kantar to launch and embed a customer-first programme would be an integral initiative to delivering this plan.


Michael Stones
Senior Experience Consultant, Medallia
Theresa Smith
Senior Customer Experience Manager, Nationwide

12:30 PM

Panel: Supporting those who need it most: serving vulnerable customers in a digital space

  • Discuss simplifying applications and claims with accessible design, such as integrated messaging for personalised support
  • Examine the role of communities and in person experience
  • See inclusivity as a social responsibility and growth opportunity
  • Should customer experience concern the digital space, or do we still need in person interaction?
  • How do you make sure your staff are equipped to handle situations involving vulnerable customers



Matt Gibson
Chief Commercial Officer & Associate Director, CACI Digital Experience
Harry Ashbridge
Head of Writing & Customer Experience, Monzo
Jenny Briars
Head of Customer Governance & Heritage, LV=
Tiago Ferreira
Client Experience Specialist, Nedbank Private Wealth
Meera Rao
UX Lead, CACI Digital Experience

1 PM

Lunch break

2 PM

Panel: Rethinking our customer space

  • Discuss how considering customer space could help you bring in new markets and transform your company
  • How do we best serve vulnerable customers, tech savvy next gen, high network clients?
  • Is there still a market for in person experiences?
  • How do we balance hybrid, digital, and human experiences?


Benjamin Hatton
Analyst, GlobalData
Tiago Ferreira
Client Experience Specialist, Nedbank Private Wealth
Faith Galiwango
Head of Customer Experience, By Miles

2:30 PM

A practical look at leveraging data to improve Customer Experience, Customer engagement and Reduce Cost

  • Compliance – cost effectively enhancing the number of customer interactions assessed to maximise regulatory compliance 
  • Vulnerable customer treatment – accelerating the identification of traits of customer vulnerability to enable appropriate support 
  • Complaints root cause – rapidly identifying the major aggregate causes of complaints to drive targeted continuous improvement 
  • Sales effectiveness – identifying the key attributes driving advisor sales success and enabling these to be coached and monitored 
  • Operational efficiencies – reducing the cost to serve by identifying and addressing “failure demand” 


Michael Anderson
VP – Client Management, Consulting, Davies Group
Philip Michell
Consulting Director, Davies Group

3 PM

The importance of brand power: how to bring a premium value to your customers

  • Discuss the conversation between brand and the user
  • How do we talk to the customer through the brand voice?
  • Explore ways to positively get your brand personality into CX design


Charlotte Broom
Head of Content Strategy for Strategic Client Content, JP Morgan

3:30 PM

Networking Break

4 PM

Defining Financial Services in the era of trust and CX

  • Discuss how the financial services customer expectations have evolved
  • Why every bank employee plays a role in delivering trust and customer experience
  • Answer the question: why trust is the foundation of customer experience?


Monica Hovsepian
Financial Services Lead, OpenText

4:15 PM

Breaking Down Barriers for Employee Experience: How an inclusive workplace leads to effective CX  

  • What can employers do to address the impact of diversity and inclusion in the workplace?  
  • Discuss the impact of a diverse and inclusive workforce has on your organisation’s customer experience  
  • Could a Monoculturalist workforce impact growth? 


Mahari Hay
Director- Innovation & Transformation - Lending, Trade and Working Capital - CIB, Lloyds Banking Group

4:45 PM

Introducing the AI Co-Pilot: Elevating Customer Experience with Human-Agent Synergy

  • How AI serves as an intelligent decision support system, providing agents with real-time information and insights
  • Discover AI-driven tools that augment the agent’s ability to understand customer needs, preferences, and emotions
  • Improve workplace efficiency, reduce operational silos and achieve a workforce empowered by AI-driven tools


Alan Ranger
Vice President Marketing, Cognigy

5:15 PM

Fireside Chat: Navigating the Crossroads of Finance and Criminal Activities – Should Customers be Informed about Potential Threats?

  • How do we approach customers about potential threats whilst preserving their customer experience?
  • Uncover how we can strike the balance between customer protection and frictionless journeys?
  • Discuss potential customer journey touchpoints for intervention


Suneet Muru
Analyst, GlobalData
Howard Rawstron
Head of Economic Crime Risk Management Framework Team, Lloyds Banking Group

5:45 PM

Chairs closing remarks

5:50 PM

Drinks Reception

6:50 PM

Private Dinner

8:15 AM

Registration and Refreshments

8:50 AM

Chair’s opening remarks

9 AM

Building trust through financial education: why does education matter? 

  • What do we mean by financial education and why do we offer it? 
  • What sorts of customer behaviours are we trying to modify via education 
  • Put an emphasis on why education should be at the forefront of customer onboarding 
  • What delivery method is best for education outreach- should we putting the focus on digital? 
  • How do we deliver education now – and what does the future look like? 


Tim Bennett
Head of Education, Killik & Co

9:30 AM

Small changes with outsized impact: using behavioral science to improve customer experience

Discuss how the implementation of behavioral science techniques can improve your customer experience through:

  • Digital tool use
  • Reducing fraud risks
  • Boosting retention rates


Dr. Adam Flitton
Behavioral Economist, Allianz Suisse

10 AM

Unlocking mass affluent investment opportunities with Aviva Direct Wealth  

  • Discuss growth plans to provide investment support and to ultimately get more young people investing    
  • Emphasise educational opportunities with new investor, and how education can lead to product growth  
  • Examine key opportunities to provide end to end support with customers 


Jo Phillips
Managing Director, Aviva Wealth

10:30 AM

Securing the Customer Lifecycle with Effortless Face Authentication

In his presentation, Securing the Customer Lifecycle with Effortless Face Authentication, Nikhil Kamdar, VP of Global Solutions Consulting at iProov, explores how cloud-based biometric face authentication: 

  • Enables financial institutions to balance security and low-friction access in the era of generative-AI-enabled fraud. 
  • Creates a trusted, reusable identity. Once onboarded, customers can use the same credential, their face, across every digital touchpoint, including account recovery. 
  • Maximises accessibility, enabling financial institutions to extend services to the underbanked, widening total addressable market. 
  • Has been adopted by leading financial institutions, such as UBS, Knab Bank, and Raiffeisen Bank, to deliver secure, seamless digital access, improving cost efficiencies and revenue outcomes 


Nikhil Kamdar
Vice President- Global Solution Consultancy, iProov

11 AM

Networking break

11:30 AM

Panel: Capturing the moment with customer feedback

  • Discuss the methods used to capture customer feedback and human behaviour
  • What are the best metrics to use to measure customer experience?
  • Discuss ways and solutions to quantify and utilise text based feedback
  • How capturing customer dissatisfaction and complaint insights can be used for business growth


Bartosz Golba
Research Director, Financial Services, GlobalData
Alessandra Canaves
Head of Marketing and Customer Experience Alts, AXA Investments
Lisa Elliott
Voice of the Customer Manager, Lloyds Banking Group
Darren Wake
Senior Account Manager, CustomerSure

12 PM

Is Digital-First the Enemy of Great Customer Experience in Financial Services?

  • Discuss top three drivers contributing to declining customer satisfaction in financial services
  • The root causes of this 'service slump' and why digital-first isn't working
  • How organisations are 'bucking the trend' and winning awards for dedication to customer service and outcomes


Adrian Harvey
CEO, Elephants Don't Forget

12:30 PM

The regulatory perspective: business opportunities and growth from good consumer duty outcomes

  • Discuss opportunities stemming from consumer duty, and consider how to implement them into your strategy  
  • Evidence of positive change that benefits companies as much as customers  
  • Answer the question: should the sector jointly own future regulatory reforms?  


Keith Richards
CEO, Consumer Duty Alliance

1 PM

Panel: How to meet your EX values and turn them into CX actions

  • Discuss the role of EX and its influence on the customer
  • Examine best practices to set realistic EX goals and values, which will benefit your employees and the customer
  • Would shifting the focus to EX be the solution to your CX development and strategy?


Amna Mujahid
Senior Analyst, GlobalData
Shauna Sheedy
Customer Propositions Specialist, Bank of Ireland
Tiago Ferreira
Client Experience Specialist, Nedbank Private Wealth

1:30 PM

Lunch break

2:30 PM

Leveraging Cyber-resilience in Banking and Payments: Regulatory Compliance is no longer enough

  • Discuss the current timeline of threat evolution and cybersecurity in the financial service sector 
  • Examine emerging risks and cyber-resilient trends that the industry should consider 
  • Consider what cyber-resilience in financial services will look at in the future considering regulatory changes 


Suneet Muru
Analyst, GlobalData

3 PM

Hosted Roundtables

Interactive roundtable sessions offer a unique opportunity to come together with your peers to share best practice and develop solutions to critical challenges facing the industry. Hosted by industry experts and each focused on a single issue, roundtables are an exciting, interactive way to build your personal network and learn from the experience and expertise of others. 

Each roundtable session lasts for 30 minutes, and delegates may attend up to 2 roundtables 

Roundtable 1) Looking to new ways to design for the complete customer journey...not just the digital 


Roundtable 2) Utilising tools to ignite digital inclusion in customer experience 


Roundtable 3) Exploring AI Horizons  

It has been argued that AI is overhyped. Sprinkle some AI on your tech and all will be fine - without sufficient consideration of the utility it can provide.  

How can we inspire ourselves and colleagues to push beyond the hype surrounding AI to truly improve customer experiences? 

Moderators: Jonathan Rez, Head of Service Design, Bank of England and Amy Lynch, Senior Service Designer, Bank of England   

4 PM

Chairs Closing Remarks

2024 Speakers

Select a speaker to learn more

Keith Richards
CEO, Consumer Duty Alliance

Keith is a founding director and CEO of the Consumer Duty Alliance (CDA), an independent, not-for-profit professional body, for the sector by the sector. The CDA is consumer focused and brings together a cross-sector Alliance for the sharing of 'good practice' to support members, engage Policymakers on key consumer duty matters and raise the profile of the profession and the value of professional advice with the public.

A recognised leader within the financial services sector, Keith has over 38 years experience operating at executive level, has an established media profile and is regularly called upon for comment both home and abroad by various organisations, including Trade and National press.

Keith established a strong media profile whilst leading the Personal Finance Society as Chief Executive Officer, also incorporating the role of Chief Membership Officer of the Chartered Insurance Institute, prior to which he was an executive board director of one of the UK’s largest IFA Networks, Tenet Group and prior to that he was Head of Retail Distribution for the largest mutual insurance company in the UK, Royal London Group. Actively engaged in the promotion of financial services within the UK and internationally, he has contributed to various boards, including PFS, Tenet, RL Retail, AIFA, AMI, European Financial Planning Association (EFPA) and various government and regulatory working groups.

Keith is also the founding Chair of the Financial Vulnerability Taskforce, which is an independent representative body covering the Personal Finance and wider Financial Services Sector. Its ultimate purpose is to promote greater understanding, encourage appropriate behaviours and establish good practice in respect of consumer vulnerability.

Session Details:

Fireside Chat: Looking at CX from a compliance perspective: how to get ready for the upcoming consumer duty regulation?

2024-06-18, 3:00 PM

Session Details:

The regulatory perspective: business opportunities and growth from good consumer duty outcomes

2024-06-19, 12:30 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Jason Maude
Chief Technology Advocate, Starling Bank

Jason Maude is a coder, coach, and public speaker. He has over a decade's experience working in the financial sector, primarily in creating and delivering software. He is passionate about explaining complex technical concepts to those who are convinced that they won’t be able to understand them. Jason is also host of the Starling Developer podcast which gives insider access into what goes on behind the curtain at a leading challenger bank.

Session Details:

Panel: How do we become a digitally focused, customer-centric company?

2024-06-18, 12:30 PM

Session Details:

Deploying AI for practical use in financial services

2024-06-18, 4:15 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Janthana Kaenprakhamroy
CEO and Founder, Tapoly

Janthana is the CEO of Tapoly, a pioneering on-demand insurance provider for SMEs and freelancers. She has been recognized as the 6th Top Woman Founder to Watch by Forbes and as one of the Top 10 Insurtech Female Influencers by The Insurance Institute. Recently, she has won prestigious awards such as the Innovator Of The Year Award at the UK Fintech Awards 2023 and the Insurance Leader of the Year Award at the Women In Finance Awards 2021. Before joining Tapoly, Janthana worked at top-tier investment banks.

Session Details:

Panel: Designing a unique CX and UX vision for 2025

2024-06-18, 10:00 AM

Session Details:

Elevating experiences with data driven personalisation

2024-06-18, 2:00 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Harry Ashbridge
Head of Writing & Customer Experience, Monzo

I’m a writer, trainer and language strategist. I believe that better writing can measurably improve every single aspect of a business, inside and out, and I spend my days trying to prove it.

Right now, I'm leading the writing team at Monzo, which I started back in 2018 (the team.. not the bank). This is my baby: monzo.com/tone-of-voice

I’ve written pretty much everything there is to write. From poems on beer cans, to HR policies, to scripts, to speeches for FTSE 100 CEOs and a former England football captain.

I’ve trained thousands of people to be more confident and effective with words, including lawyers, engineers, journalists, bankers, brand people and writers from agencies like Wieden+Kennedy, M&C Saatchi and Ogilvy.

I’ve run a whole bunch of language programmes for companies big and small; developing tone of voice principles, monster rewrites, content strategy. Whatever it is, I get the call if someone needs to balance big-picture thinking with real attention to detail* about the nuances of language.

Session Details:

Panel: Supporting those who need it most: serving vulnerable customers in a digital space

2024-06-18, 12:30 PM

Session Details:

Keynote: Your writing is your customer experience

2024-06-18, 9:00 AM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Alessandra Canaves
Head of Marketing and Customer Experience Alts, AXA Investments

Seasoned marketing leader with over 20 years of experience driving business growth and crafting differentiated client experiences for blue chip financial services businesses across investments, real assets, alternatives and wealth management.

Skilled at leading high-performing marketing teams and executing integrated programs in today's digital landscape. A creative strategist adept at fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and out-of-the-box thinking.

Core competencies include:

  • Alternative investments, covering Real Estate, Infrastructure, Private Equity and Credit. Managing all external communications, brand-building and content development.
  • PR & Marketing strategy and communications planning
  • Digital marketing and optimization
  • Brand strategy and positioning
  • Advertising, agency management and creative development
  • Product marketing
  • Budget management and operations
  • Assembling and leading teams
  • Marketing transformation and change management
  • Leveraging global experience to enhance multinational marketing efforts
  • Fluent Italian, English and B2 French

Session Details:

Panel: Capturing the moment with customer feedback

2024-06-19, 11:30 AM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Charlotte Broom
Head of Content Strategy for Strategic Client Content, JP Morgan

Strategic and creative business development expert, specialising in payment propositions, with experience in client account management and SMB growth.

Payment product expert and a trusted payments advisor, able to analyse a client's unique goals and challenges to formulate and sell solutions that drive adoption, increase spend and decrease processing costs.

Session Details:

The importance of brand power: how to bring a premium value to your customers

2024-06-18, 3:00 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Nkilika Amobi
Executive Director: Head of Conduct Financial Crime and Compliance, Standard Chartered Bank

Transformation, Regulatory and Operations Executive with a strong track record of leading high performing teams. A demonstrable history of cross-functional collaboration with global business leaders to shape and deliver compliant business strategies for FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 businesses including digital solutions that make use of the latest technology. Skilled in transformation, operational readiness, governance and policy, international and cross-functional stakeholder management, leadership and advocacy.

Sought after speaker on matters of policy and technological innovation, most recently spoke at the Connect Global Group's Automation and Innovation in Wealth Management Conference UK. This was a panel discussion centered around the use of technology such as AI in the Wealth Management arena and the regulatory implications of a more digital centered approach within the industry.

A vocal advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion; provides thought leadership to global businesses on matters of racial equity and anti racism. Sought after speaker on issues related to racial and gender diversity, equity and inclusion.

Session Details:

Fireside Chat: Looking at CX from a compliance perspective: how to get ready for the upcoming consumer duty regulation?

2024-06-18, 3:00 PM

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Next speaker
Jenny Briars
Head of Customer Governance & Heritage, LV=

A pro-active and committed leader who is passionate about delivering great customer experiences and outcomes. Lead, engage and drive change across the business through voice of the customer insight and systems thinking.

Session Details:

Panel: Supporting those who need it most: serving vulnerable customers in a digital space

2024-06-18, 12:30 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Stewart Lancaster
Head of Operations Control, Close Brothers Asset Management

Stewart is a seasoned financial services professional with over 20 years of experience in asset management, specialising in client assets (CASS) compliance. He is currently a Board member, Director and Head of Operations Control within a leading UK merchant banking group with over £15 billion in assets under management.

As the Head of Operations Control Stewart is responsible for ensuring the operational effectiveness of the systems and controls that safeguard the firm's compliance with CASS regulations. He also reports to the firm's governing bodies and regulators on CASS matters, oversees the key outsourced providers, and chairs the PIMFA CASS Working Group. Stewart holds a diploma in Investment Operations from the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment, where he is a Chartered Fellow and a member of the client assets panel. He is also a Chartered Manager and a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute.

Stewart has a proven track record of developing and implementing robust operational risk and control frameworks in asset managers, as well as handling Section 166 FCA requests and investigations. He is an industry speaker and a published author on CASS compliance best practices, operational risk management, and public speaking. Stewart is passionate about delivering the highest possible value to the firm's clients, stakeholders, and regulators, while fostering a culture of excellence, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

Session Details:

Fireside Chat: Looking at CX from a compliance perspective: how to get ready for the upcoming consumer duty regulation?

2024-06-18, 3:00 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Tiago Ferreira
Client Experience Specialist, Nedbank Private Wealth

Session Details:

Panel: Rethinking our customer space

2024-06-18, 2:00 PM

Session Details:

Panel: Supporting those who need it most: serving vulnerable customers in a digital space

2024-06-18, 12:30 PM

Session Details:

Panel: How to meet your EX values and turn them into CX actions

2024-06-19, 1:00 PM

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Next speaker
Lisa Elliott
Voice of the Customer Manager, Lloyds Banking Group

Lisa is a passionate customer advocate, working hard to ensure that customers have a voice and are listened to. The insights she gathers drive real change across the business. Lisa captures insights around customer pain points, struggles and frustration to fuel a packed optimisation backlog for the business to get stuck into.  With over 26 years experience working in Financial Services in Product Development, Product Management, Marketing, Digital Channel Management and Demand Conversion, this experience has lead Lisa to her current exciting role of Voice of the Customer Manager which she’s held for the past 7 years.

Session Details:

Panel: Capturing the moment with customer feedback

2024-06-19, 11:30 AM

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Next speaker
Tim Bennett
Head of Education, Killik & Co

Tim Bennett (MA, ACA, ASI) is Head of Education and a Partner at Investment and Wealth Management firm Killik & Co. He is responsible for a range of educational collateral that includes weekly Killik Explains videos, popular “How To” guides, and the flagship quarterly magazine, Confidant. Tim also presents at seminars and webinars and is involved with various educational programs. Prior to joining Killik, Tim was the Deputy Editor at Moneyweek and the host of the highly regarded Moneyweekvideos. Earlier in his career, Tim worked for a variety of financial services organisations, including UBS, the Securities Institute and Ernst and Young.

Session Details:

Building trust through financial education: why does education matter? 

2024-06-19, 9:00 AM

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Next speaker
Faith Galiwango
Head of Customer Experience, By Miles

Session Details:

Panel: Rethinking our customer space

2024-06-18, 2:00 PM

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Next speaker
Jonathan Rez
Head of Service Design, Bank of England

A human-centred-designer with over two decades of experience, helping organisations deliver better outcomes for their customers.

Next speaker
Shauna Sheedy
Customer Propositions Specialist, Bank of Ireland

Results oriented CX and Propositions Specialist with a keen interest in the digitalisation of financial services, leakage discontinuation and ESG.

Session Details:

Panel: How to meet your EX values and turn them into CX actions

2024-06-19, 1:00 PM

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Next speaker
Dr. Katalin Varga-Toldi
Head of Premium & Mass Customer Segment Management Retail Client Tribe, OTP Bank

Segment & customer management leader with over 15 years of experience in developing segment-tailored value propositions, driving segment growth strategies and creating differentiated client handling solutions for financial services. Skilled at leading high-performing business development & segment teams and executing integrated segment and client retention strategy programs. A creative, out-of-the-box thinker with passion for leading change with growth mindset and creating a nurturing culture of innovation.

Session Details:

Panel: Designing a unique CX and UX vision for 2025

2024-06-18, 10:00 AM

Session Details:

Reboarding: a strategic framework to create bond and grow value in your existing client portfolio

2024-06-18, 11:30 AM

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Next speaker
Ed Winfield
Vice President/Director Global Partnerships, Content Guru

Edward Winfield is Director of Global Partnerships at Content Guru, a global leader in cloud contact centre and customer experience solutions. A veteran in the SaaS and technology space, Edward has over 25 years’ experience in the telecommunications space, which he leverages to create lasting partnerships, deliver cutting-edge solutions that anticipate evolving customer needs, and to help businesses to create outstanding customer experiences through seamless engagement and data-driven insights.

Session Details:

Harnessing AI to optimise your CX strategy

2024-06-18, 2:30 PM

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Next speaker
Ben Revill
Financial Service Business Manager, Xpedition

With a deep understanding of technology transformation across CRM, ERP and Practice Management systems drawing on more than 20 years of experience with blue chip clients. Ben works with the UK's leading financial and professional services firms as a Microsoft Accredited expert in Business Transformation.

Session Details:

Panel: How do we become a digitally focused, customer-centric company?

2024-06-18, 12:30 PM

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John Glennane
CEO and Founder, Capventis

John Glennane, CEO and founder of Capventis, has been pursuing the goal of aligning technology and systems to serve the real-world needs of people and business for over 35 years. In 1999 he established Capventis, to help organisations and people deliver more value through the strategic use of data and ideas. The ideas, issues and imperatives that start us off on the journey to value, all need consideration, knowledge, skills, resources, structure, rigour and good design. The resulting solutions also need appropriate technology, combined with experience to make them viable and successful. John’s mission today is to empower a new generation of our smartest and best-educated people to be equipped with next-generation technology (‘Glu’) and the knowledge, skills and freedom to drive step-change improvement in our most critical public and private sector organisations.

Session Details:

Where does eXperience Start and Finish?

2024-06-18, 10:30 AM

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Monica Hovsepian
Financial Services Lead, OpenText

Monica Hovsepian, Financial Services lead at OpenText, drives the financial services global strategy and marketing efforts across business solutions. With over 25 years of financial industry expertise, she's a respected authority and thought leader, having worked with various major banks worldwide, spearheading operational enhancements and customer-centric innovations, including initiatives designed to revitalize the customer experience. An Economics graduate from York University, she holds an MBA from Hult International Business School, London. Monica is also a member of the Forbes Finance Council.

Session Details:

Defining Financial Services in the era of trust and CX

2024-06-18, 4:00 PM

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Alan Ranger
Vice President Marketing, Cognigy

With a career spanning 30 years, Alan has held a variety of sales, marketing and leadership roles, both in start-up and large enterprise software companies. Before joining Cognigy, he led global market development at LivePerson where, during his six-year tenure, revenues doubled from $223m to $470m. As Cognigy’s VP Marketing, Alan’s focus is on leading and inspiring his high-performance global team to deliver programmes across branding, product marketing, demand generation, events and social media.

Alan is also responsible for leading market expansion in high growth regions such as the USA, UK and APAC, and building a global community of Cognigy advocates, including customers, industry experts, partners and prospects. In his spare time, he is a volunteer puppy trainer for the Hearing Dogs for Deaf People charity and was a coach and referee at his local junior rugby club for 11 years. Alan maintains that training dogs is easier than children!

Session Details:

Introducing the AI Co-Pilot: Elevating Customer Experience with Human-Agent Synergy

2024-06-18, 4:45 PM

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Jo Phillips
Managing Director, Aviva Wealth

Jo Phillips leads the Direct Wealth business at Aviva, where she and her team are democratising the notion of Wealth by making it easier for people to save and invest via a market leading digital platform. Throughout her career Jo has built teams and products that have grown businesses and transformed customer experiences. Prior to joining Aviva she held multiple executive leadership positions at American Express and BlackRock; with career highlights including include transforming American Express’ billion-dollar B2B payments platform and re-imagining BlackRock’s award-winning web and mobile ecosystem.

Session Details:

Unlocking mass affluent investment opportunities with Aviva Direct Wealth  

2024-06-19, 10:00 AM

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Yohan Lobo
Industry Solution Manager - Financial Services, M-Files

Yohan leads the development of our solutions for Financial Services clients following 16 years in commercially focussed roles within the consumer and B2B payments industry. He has held a range of key sales, sales-leadership, and commercial delivery roles during periods of rapid change. He has worked with a range of sectors including business services, local government, and alternative finance. Yohan has always had a focus on bringing the voice of clients into product, marketing and operational functions.



Session Details:

People Powered Customer Experience

2024-06-18, 12:00 PM

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Christopher TS Harvey
Head of Change, Tesco

Christopher TS Harvey has spent the past two decades mastering the complexity of change and how to manage change successfully.

Since studying alongside Prince William and Kate at the University of St Andrews, Chris has been busy in the change space. Unaware at the time, he was somewhat of a trailblazer in the Change Management domain, obsessed with the human-centric, psychological nature of change. Pushing himself ever since to operate at the ‘bleeding edge’ of the change sphere.

What makes him a standout as a speaker is his ability to convert extensive academic understanding and hands on experience of complex change, into meaningful learnings and tangible takeaways for the audience to better manage through change. All done against a captivating backdrop of 80s/90s soundtracks, balloon metaphors and ‘tongue in cheek’ British humour.

Chris has been published extensively in GQ Magazine around the world, on change subjects ranging from natural disasters to workplace burnout. He’s also written for the Daily Mail, The Telegraph, HR Magazine, Business Insider, been interviewed by BBC, TalkRadio and many more. His proudest achievement will be publishing the book he continues to work on, whilst educating the next generation of change leaders through his guest lecturing.

With every editorial or speaking engagement, Chris’s aim always remains the same at its core: to ‘Demystify Change!’

Session Details:

An introduction to the science behind ‘the art of Change Management’ for Digital Innovation

2024-06-18, 11:30 AM

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Amy Lynch
Senior Service Designer, Bank of England

Lead service designer who co-ordinates user centred design efforts to balance user needs and business strategy. Over 15 years hands-on design experience across a range of sectors, services and products.

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Nikhil Kamdar
Vice President- Global Solution Consultancy, iProov

Nikhil Kamdar is a seasoned professional with a passion for pioneering technology solutions across the realms of mobile telecommunications, enterprise security, mobile security, endpoint protection, and cloud-based biometrics. With an extensive career that encompasses notable roles at EE, Samsung Electronics, and his current role at iProov, Nikhil is committed to advancing innovation and bolstering security in the digital landscape. Nikhil's dedication to technology extends beyond his professional pursuits. He is deeply committed to staying at the forefront of emerging technologies and industry trends. As an active participant in industry forums, he engages with thought leaders, attends conferences, and frequently contributes valuable insights to discussions on the future of mobile security and biometrics.

Session Details:

Securing the Customer Lifecycle with Effortless Face Authentication

2024-06-19, 10:30 AM

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Meera Rao
UX Lead, CACI Digital Experience

With a background in new product development, pricing and UX design and over 12 years of experience in financial services and payments (American Express, Barclays), Meera has seen how businesses work and what drives them. A desire for creativity and real consumer impact. The experience of creating engaging and meaningful products in a structured way led her to focus on user-centric design. Clients include Handlesbanken, Bank of England, Cabot financial and several others.

Session Details:

Panel: Supporting those who need it most: serving vulnerable customers in a digital space

2024-06-18, 12:30 PM

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Matt Gibson
Chief Commercial Officer & Associate Director, CACI Digital Experience

Matt Gibson is Chief Commercial Officer and Associate Director at Cyber-Duck, a CACI Business - a user-centred digital transformation agency based out of the UK. With nearly 20 year’s background in Interaction Design, Matt helps oversee all aspects of Cyber-Duck’s production lifecycle including research, design, and delivery of inclusive products and services, for organisations like Sport England, Compare the Market and the Bank of England. As a BIMA Hot 100 top creative in the UK, Matt is a champion for sustainable design, and accessibility best practices – based on his firm belief in the universality of the web and the power sustainable research and design has in creating better customer experiences for everyone – levelling up CACI’s team and clients’ awareness and knowledge to deliver this. Also speaking at SXSW, UXPA, UX London, and Business X Design on the topic.

Session Details:

Panel: Supporting those who need it most: serving vulnerable customers in a digital space

2024-06-18, 12:30 PM

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Michael Stones
Senior Experience Consultant, Medallia

Session Details:

Fireside Chat: How Nationwide transformed customer feedback into Simply Brilliant Service

2024-06-18, 12:00 PM

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Lee Mostari
Director of Technology & Data Consulting, Davies Group

I am a seasoned customer experience expert with a career covering operational support of contact centres as well as provision of CX services and solutions. My role is to develop capabilities within the firm and with our clients using market leading CX analytics methodologies to create measurable and transformational operational improvements, including cost optimisation and compliance improvements across retail, telecommunications and financial services customers across the UK and overseas.

Next speaker
Philip Michell
Consulting Director, Davies Group

Over the past 35+ years, I’ve been fortunate enough to work with some of the UK’s and the world’s most recognised and respected brands to deliver successful customer-centric transformation. I specialise in supporting our clients to deliver improved customer experiences through operational transformation, strategic outsourcing, and business change. My sector expertise and experience cover a broad range of industries including retail, consumer goods, travel, and insurance.

Session Details:

Panel: Designing a unique CX and UX vision for 2025

2024-06-18, 10:00 AM

Session Details:

A practical look at leveraging data to improve Customer Experience, Customer engagement and Reduce Cost

2024-06-18, 2:30 PM

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Adrian Harvey
CEO, Elephants Don't Forget

CEO and founder of Elephants don't forget, the world's leading company in using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to augment employee performance and optimise enterprise outcomes. With over 10 years of experience in this field, I have successfully created and delivered cutting-edge AI solutions that enhance human capital and reduce risk and compliance issues for enterprises across 45 countries and 14 languages.

Our flagship product, Clever Nelly, is a low-cost, easy-to-deploy, and super-secure AI platform that ensures employees are competent and fit for their specific job roles. We have won multiple awards and attracted some of the world's largest and smallest companies as clients, who share our vision of creating the fairest and best possible customer outcomes, at the lowest cost and with the least number of mistakes. My mission is to make Elephants Don't Forget the global leader in AI-powered employee competency solutions, and to sail the Atlantic, single-handed, one day.

Session Details:

Fireside Chat: Looking at CX from a compliance perspective: how to get ready for the upcoming consumer duty regulation?

2024-06-18, 3:00 PM

Session Details:

Is Digital-First the Enemy of Great Customer Experience in Financial Services?

2024-06-19, 12:00 PM

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Howard Rawstron
Head of Economic Crime Risk Management Framework Team, Lloyds Banking Group

Howard has undertaken a diverse range of roles in the financial services sector spanning the disciplines of operational management, corporate relationship management, strategy and risk management.

Passionate about preventing Economic Crime his current role is to provide Oversight of Economic Crime risks with particular focus on screening and transaction monitoring.

He is an advisory board member for Cifas, the UKs largest cross-sector fraud data sharing organisation, as well as a member of the European Banking Federation Exco financial crime strategy group. He is also an active member of the Europol Financial Intelligence Public Private Partnership.

As an active LinkedIn member Howard regularly shares thoughts and insights into the world of Economic Crime Prevention and the latest developments around the globe.

Session Details:

Fireside Chat: Navigating the Crossroads of Finance and Criminal Activities – Should Customers be Informed about Potential Threats?

2024-06-18, 5:15 PM

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Suneet Muru
Analyst, GlobalData

Session Details:

Fireside Chat: Navigating the Crossroads of Finance and Criminal Activities – Should Customers be Informed about Potential Threats?

2024-06-18, 5:15 PM

Session Details:

Leveraging Cyber-resilience in Banking and Payments: Regulatory Compliance is no longer enough

2024-06-19, 2:30 PM

Session Details:

Panel: How do we become a digitally focused, customer-centric company?

2024-06-18, 12:30 PM

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Theresa Smith
Senior Customer Experience Manager, Nationwide

In her 20 years with Nationwide, Theresa has gained experience across the business including customer facing roles, contact centre planning and customer experience.  She brings her passion for the customer to the fore in her current role leading Nationwide’s customer feedback programme, providing a detailed view of performance through the eyes of the customer.

Session Details:

Fireside Chat: How Nationwide transformed customer feedback into Simply Brilliant Service

2024-06-18, 12:00 PM

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Dr. Adam Flitton
Behavioral Economist, Allianz Suisse

Dr. Adam Flitton is a behavioral scientist who leads teams and projects that drive measurable behavior change. Working across multiple sectors, his goal is to improve outcomes by helping people to make better decisions.

Session Details:

Small changes with outsized impact: using behavioral science to improve customer experience

2024-06-19, 9:30 AM

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Amna Mujahid
Senior Analyst, GlobalData

My name is Amna Mujahid, and I am a Senior Analyst in Strategic Intelligence.

I author and manage a portfolio of reports related to demographic trends and their impacts on businesses, focusing in on Generation Z, social media, influencer marketing, and the creator economy as a whole. I have also written more broadly on the impacts of emerging technologies across key sectors, including mining, agriculture, power, tourism, and more. I aim to provide valuable insights and strategic recommendations. 

Session Details:

Panel: How to meet your EX values and turn them into CX actions

2024-06-19, 1:00 PM

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Stephen Walker
Lead Analyst, Thematic & Fintech Research, GlobalData

Digital banking analyst. Ten years' experience within top tier analyst firms/retail banks; covering the market from both a customer strategy and tech enablement perspective.

Session Details:

Fireside Chat: Looking at CX from a compliance perspective: how to get ready for the upcoming consumer duty regulation?

2024-06-18, 3:00 PM

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Michael Anderson
VP – Client Management, Consulting, Davies Group

Session Details:

A practical look at leveraging data to improve Customer Experience, Customer engagement and Reduce Cost

2024-06-18, 2:30 PM

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Mahari Hay
Director- Innovation & Transformation - Lending, Trade and Working Capital - CIB, Lloyds Banking Group

Mahari is a highly experienced people focused leader with over 20 years’ experience in the Financial Services Sector. His passion for helping others and translating complex information into simple and effective content, has seen him have a very rewarding career, especially in his current role as Director in the Innovation & Transformation Team at Lloyds Banking Group.

Mahari is also the Co-chair of the very influential employee resource group – B.O.L.D: Black Organisation for Leadership & Development. The networks vision is for Lloyds Banking Group to have more Black colleagues in senior leadership roles, by continuing to drive the change needed in areas that are considered barriers for minority ethnic colleagues. He features on the Lloyds Banking Group 2023 Ethnicity Role Models list, Winner of the ‘Best Financial Services employee’ at the 2023 UK Black Talent Awards, ‘Professional of the Year’ winner at the 2023 Phoenix Business Club awards, and has been recognised as one of the Empower Global Top 100 Future Leaders in 2022.

Session Details:

Breaking Down Barriers for Employee Experience: How an inclusive workplace leads to effective CX  

2024-06-18, 4:15 PM

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Darren Wake
Senior Account Manager, CustomerSure

Darren has been helping organisations with their CX Strategy and Voice of the Customer programmes for the last 14 years. With a particular interest in ensuring insights lead to actual action, he works with organisations to ensure VoC delivers real ROI and customers experience genuinely improved experiences as a result.

Session Details:

Panel: Capturing the moment with customer feedback

2024-06-19, 11:30 AM

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+44 20 4540 7650


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+44 20 7149 5973

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