Dairy Innovation Strategies Asia Pacific

Devising Commercially Successful Strategies for the Asia-Pacific dairy industry



  • Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore
  • Free

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  • 14 Nov 2024
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8 AM

Registration and networking

8:50 AM

Chairman’s opening remarks

9 AM

Opening keynote: Insight into market trends

GlobalData (speaker TBC)

9:30 AM

What is driving the increased consumption in dairy and what are the implications for industry in long term?

10 AM

Cultural and dietary adoption – how dairy is meeting the needs of consumers dietary and health requirements

10:30 AM

Morning refreshments and networking

11 AM

Analysing how dairy affects immune health

11 AM

Innovation & new opportunities

Innovation in ingredients, teste & flavour

Innovation in plant-based dairy

Innovation in adding functionality (Probiotics for stress relief and skin health; postbiotic)

Innovation in cultivated milk/Lab-grown dairy (Precision fermentation and animal-free dairy)

Innovation in adding value (Ice cream; yogurt; butter, kefir…)

Innovation in cheese

Innovation in maternal & infant formula

1 PM

Lunch and networking

2 PM

Speaker Hosted Roundtables

Interactive roundtable sessions offer a unique opportunity to come together with your peers to share best practice and develop solutions to critical challenges facing the industry as a whole. Hosted by industry experts and each focused on a single issue, roundtables are an exciting, interactive way to build your personal network and learn from the experience and expertise of others.

Each roundtable session lasts for 40 minutes, and delegates may attend up to 2 roundtables.

3:20 PM

Afternoon refreshments and networking

3:50 PM

The role of AI in improving product formulations and operational efficiencies

4:20 PM

Panel debate: Addressing innovation challenges such as raw material availability; production augmentation; health claims approval; regulatory compliance and consumer acceptability

5 PM

Packaging, Sustainability & Technology

Effectiveness of packaging & labelling in communicating health benefits

Innovation in dairy packaging

How to integrate sustainability into the innovation process? How to drive more sustainable farming?

5:30 PM

Food security

Best practices

Empowering local sourcing, co-operatives by that working towards a better and nutritious world tomorrow.

5:50 PM

Chairman’s closing remarks

6 PM

End of conference

6:05 PM

Drinks reception / Gala dinner

7:30 PM

End of conference

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Pan Pacific Singapore

7 Raffles Boulevard, Marina Square Singapore


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Contact Us


Ben Gemmell

Head of Consumer Portfolio

+(44) 207 661 8841


Jessica Hartley

Head of Consumer Portfolio

+44 1527 573156


To enquire about sponsorship opportunities for the conference, please contact:

Ben Gemmell

Head of Consumer Portfolio

+(44) 207 661 8841


To enquire about speaking opportunities for the conference, please contact:

Jessica Hartley

Head of Consumer Portfolio

+44 1527 573156