Alan Yeomans

Alan Yeomans has worked with the development of computerised systems for 40 years as hardware designer, programmer, system architect, project manager and in a number of management roles including CTO and QM.

Alan has been at Viedoc Technologies since late 2008, where he is responsible for Quality Assurance of their EDC vendor business. From 2008-2014 he was also responsible for Quality Assurance for their CRO business, until that part of the company was organised as a separate entity. Alan has earlier worked as CTO for a Swedish CRO (CDC) and as CTO and QM for an international ePRO provider (Clinitrac).

Alan worked at British Aerospace, Space and Communications Division from 1981 to 1984 as a hardware designer on control systems for communications satellites. While there he developed the first CPU-board used in control systems on their communications satellites.

After moving to Sweden in 1984 Alan started working with software development, starting with hardware driver routines and moving up through the software architecture to all levels, including user interface software and database software.