Amanda Moore

Amanda Moore has served as the CEO of the Angelman Syndrome Foundation since 2019. With a background in nonprofit leadership and development, Amanda brings a wealth of experience to her role, having previously worked extensively with the YMCA.

In 2015, Amanda and her husband Adam were blessed with the joyous addition of twin boys, Jackson and Baden. Their world changed in 2016 when Jackson was diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome, sparking Amanda’s unwavering commitment to advocacy and support for individuals like her son.

Driven by her personal experiences and a deep desire to make a difference, Amanda immersed herself in patient advocacy. She served on the Angelman Syndrome Board for one year before assuming her current position as CEO, where she continues to lead the foundation with passion, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of advancing the lives of those affected by Angelman Syndrome. Her advocacy efforts extend beyond her professional role, as she actively engages in initiatives aimed at raising awareness, promoting research, and advocating for improved care and support for individuals with Angelman Syndrome and their families.