Georges France is leading the Quality integration process for GSK Consumer Healthcare further to the JV with Pfizer Consumer Healthcare in August 2019. Before that Georges was leading Quality globally for the Local Operating Companies (LOC) for the GSK Consumer Healthcare division. Prior to joining GSK, he was with at Novartis since March 2012. He previously worked at Pfizer as a Vice President of Global Quality Strategy and Global Affiliates Quality and prior to that, worked at Wyeth for 12 years. Georges holds a Doctorate in Pharmacy and a Post-Graduate Degree in Pharmacology and completed the INSEAD Advanced Management Program. He was EPFIA topic leader in the Expert working Group for the ICH Q10 guidelines regarding the Pharmaceutical Quality System as the ICH Q8, Q9 and Q10 Implementation Working Group. Today he is an EFPIA Expert for ICH Q12 Expert Working Group.