Ivan Androcec

Ivan Androcec is working in the Croatian Electricity Utility (Hrvatska Elektroprivreda d.d.) since 2001 where he is currently Section Head of Investment Strategy and New Technologies in Strategy and Development Department. He is also president of supervisory board of LNG Croatia Ltd. He has PhD from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, from 2012 as well as Diploma Study in Management from 2006. Part of PhD was on SINTEF Energy Research, NTNU Trondheim, Norway. His main interest are strategic and investment planning, energy market, business development, energy and investment project development. He was involved in several energy projects and teams, study works and analysis. He has written more than 50 R&D international and domestic papers and participated in many energy conferences, seminars, panels and as speaker. He is also involved as external associate on Faculties on subjects from energy field.