Melianthe Leeman

Melianthe has been working for O-I, the world’s largest glass container manufacturer, since 12 years and has a background in Marketing.   She has held several positions within O-I’s commercial department covering Marketing Communication, Category Management and Innovation.  Over the past couple of years she has been working with a multidisciplinary team in O-I to explore and validate direct2shape digital printing technologies for glass packaging.

In May 2018, Melianthe got appointed Global Innovation Platform Director for O-I.  As part of this role she is overseeing the commercialization and global expansion of O-I : EXPRESSIONS (, O-I’s platform offering personalization and customization services for brands enabled by direct2glass digital printing. Since January 2020, Melianthe expanded her role, and she is now also leading O-I’s Spirits and Wine marketing teams globally.