Milena Izmirlieva

Milena Izmirlieva heads GlobalData’s Health Economics and Market Access research and analysis team which comprises senior analysts, analysts and health economists covering developed and emerging markets worldwide. Since joining one of GlobalData’s predecessor companies in 2003 as a pharma research analyst for Western European and Central and Eastern European markets, she has developed extensive knowledge of the healthcare systems and pharmaceutical markets of numerous countries in Europe, North America and various emerging markets. Prior to that, Milena worked in healthcare marketing communications for the EURO RSCG group in New York, US, and Sofia, Bulgaria, where she specialized in pharmaceutical and medical device companies. Her main areas of research interest are pricing and reimbursement and market access for originator drugs, the market dynamics for biosimilars and generics, health system efficiency indicators and health system capacity, and forecasting of healthcare spending and pharmaceutical sales. She holds an MSc degree in Health Economics, Policy and Management from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), an MSc degree in Communication with a focus on Science Writing from Iowa State University, and a joint BA degree in Journalism and Mass Communication and International Relations from the American University in Bulgaria. Milena is a regular speaker at pharmaceutical conferences and is often interviewed about pharmaceutical-related issues in the media. She regularly presents peer-reviewed research at ISPOR and has a strong interest in pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement developments and cost-containment strategies (including international reference pricing). Milena is a Fulbright scholarship recipient and member of the following honor societies: Phi Kappa Phi, Alfa Delta Sigma, and Kappa Tau Alfa.