Starting an early career at 19 years old in 2014 as Manager and Lead Lobbyist for Californians for Responsible Government (501 c) and Corporate Secretary to his Coalition, Ryan Bacchas demonstrated a natural aptitude to leadership, political organization, and policy. From his legislative direction and expertise used in 2015 for AB 266 (Bonta), AB 243 (Wood) and SB 643 (McGuire) to his work managing local campaigns such as Measure U (Upland), Measure T (Yuba Co.) and Measure XX (Calaveras Co.), Mr. Bacchas has become considered among the new “Forward Thinkers.” In 2016, as Manager for Direct Democracy Unlimited, Mr. Bacchas set absolute precedence resurging the country’s leading Petition Agency, two months into the petition season when the firm was two and a half months behind on producing signatures for clients. Under his lead Mr. Bacchas helped coordinate, direct and manage signature collection, validation, batching and procurement to clients of qualifying voter signatures for all 15 Statewide General Ballot Initiatives in 2016 (7,965,736 signatures in total). In doing so he also put the firm nearly a month and a half ahead of the June Deadline. Among the successful Ballot Measures carried by the company during Mr. Bacchas’ leadership were Proposition 50 (Legislator), Proposition 51 (Education), Proposition 52 (Healthcare), Proposition 53 (Elections), Proposition 54 (Accountability), Proposition 55 (Taxes), Proposition 56 (Tobacco), Proposition 57 (Trials), Proposition 58 (Education), Proposition 59 (Campaign Finance), Proposition 60 (Healthcare), Proposition 62 (Death Penalty), Proposition 63 (Firearms), Proposition 65 (Environment) and Proposition 64 (Control, Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act).
Ryan Bacchas