Scott Dubin is a social entrepreneur and innovator with more than 15 years of experience in the field of relief and development. He has built a career providing critical logistical and operational management to humanitarian and development projects in a host of complex and insecure environments, including Darfur, Iraq, South Sudan, and Liberia, among others. Mr. Dubin has multiple country experiences leading the application of internet of things, or IoT, sensors for remote temperature, humidity, and location tracking. He is the project lead for the application of drones to deliver health commodities. Mr. Dubin also developed TransIT, a transport management system that increases visibility and tracking of in-country shipments. He holds a B.S. in business administration from Kendall College and an M.S. in international business from Ulster University. He holds a certification in humanitarian logistics from the Fritz Institute, as well as certification in pharmaceutical cold chain management from the World Health Organization.
Scott Dubin