Tony Roulstone established and teaches on the Nuclear Energy Masters programme in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge. His research interestsarethe economics and safety of nuclear power witha focuson Small Modular Reactors. He is leading several SMR research projects in the UK. Also, he is involved with projects on the industrialisation and the economics of fusionHe wasa visiting Professor of Nuclear Engineering at City University in Hong Kong 2012-2018.He writes for the technical press on nuclear economics and policy matters and he is leading a group on energy storage needs for the Royal Society Working Group on Energy Storage. He received his degreefrom the University of Cambridge and has spent much of his career in the nuclear and aerospace industries, starting with UKAEAworking on fast reactor systemsand including 20 yearsat Rolls-Royce where he becameManaging Directorof the Nuclear Group in 1992.Also, he was the Directorof Engineering and Projectswhen the Vanguard nuclear submarines were being delivered. He has held several corporate Rolls-Royce plc roles in bothaero-space engineering and strategictransformation.He provides consultancywidely in the engineering, technology and services sectorsand has completedseveral policy studiesfor Governmenton SMRs, and for politicians on business enterprise and on large-scale procurement.HeisaFellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,an AssociateMember of the Nuclear Institute.He is an independent adviser on SMR design.
Tony Roulstone