Veronica Martinez Sotillo

Verónica Martínez is an independent Fintech and Insurtech adviser who also serves as Transformation and Product Director at a Private Bank, where she plays a pivotal role in driving innovation and enhancing product offerings. With a background in project management and transformation gained at Amazon before joining the Wealth Management industry, Verónica brings a wealth of experience to her current position. Prior to her current role, she contributed significantly to product development at Lombard International Assurance, Luxembourg’s leading life insurance company.


Verónica is deeply engaged in the Swiss Fintech ecosystem, serving as an independent advisor for The Insurance Academy. Additionally, she is a member of the ABBL (Association des Banques et Banquiers Luxembourg) Fintech and Innovation Committee, where she actively contributes to shaping the future of financial services in Luxembourg. Her engagement in these capacities underscores her commitment to advancing industry standards and fostering collaboration within the financial sector.


Verónica’s academic credentials include an MBA and LL.M from Rey Juan Carlos University, complemented by international studies in China and France. Additionally, she is a registered attorney in Spain and has pursued specialized training in blockchain technologies through programs at INSEAD and MIT. Verónica Martínez’s multifaceted expertise and dedication to driving transformational change position her as a respected leader within the wealth management industry, reflecting her unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence.