12th Annual Outsourcing in Clinical Trials UK & Ireland 2025

Welcome to 12th annual Outsourcing in Clinical Trials UK and Ireland 2025

10 - 11


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This exclusive event brings together attendees from established pharma, large and small, alongside with biopharmaceutical companies and gives opportunity to dive into the operational challenges and innovations in clinical development found within the UK & Ireland region.













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2024 Agenda

  • 11 Jun 2024
  • 12 Jun 2024
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Stream one

STREAM A: Clinical Operations and Outsourcing

Stream two

STREAM B: Clinical Technology and Innovation

11:15 AM

Morning refreshments and networking

11:45 AM

Case study: Redefining clinical data flow

Sharing experiences from a holistic change of systems and processes including: data collection, data standardization, flow into AstraZeneca, data management, medical and safety review, data analysis and reporting, and long term data retention


Lucy Moore
Executive Director, Clinical Data Projects, Clinical Data and Insights, AstraZeneca

12:15 PM

A 360° view of digitalization in clinical trials

  • Presenting on how to digitalize clinical trials in e.g. endpoints, and study designs
  • Highlighting the possibilities that digital trials bring, whilst moving away from the common brick-and-mortar sites
  • Discussing the rigorous standards and scientific integrity required by regulators, whether a regular brick-and-mortar trial or a digital trial
  • How we tend to focus too much on technology when it's actually the processes for the patients and the sites that matter even more
  • Major points to consider in designing digital trials; building blocks and practical examples to best prepare you to meet the needs of regulators whilst keeping the patients and sites front of mind


Sverre Bengtsson
Co-Founder, Viedoc

12:45 PM

Artificial Intelligence in Pharma

  • Brief overview of AI/GenAI market, including current limitations and technology roadmap
  • AI and its applications in Healthcare, from business processes to use cases
  • Models to acquire GenAI capabilities
  • GenAI delivery models
  • Risks, costs and other considerations


Josep Bori
Research Director, Thematics Division, GlobalData

1:15 PM

Lunch and networking

2:15 PM

Putting patients at the centre of their clinical trial journey: supporting engagement, driving ePRO compliance

  • How robust, globally-deployable solutions can be designed from a 'patient-first' perspective
  • Sharing learning on achieving meaningful engagement throughout the study
  • Exploring how modern technology both retains patients and drives high eCOA/ePRO compliance
  • Case studies on embedding human-centred design to deliver faster, more flexible outcomes for sponsors


Bruce Hellman
Co-Founder and Chief Patient Officer, UMotif

2:45 PM

Vaccine Trial – what we have learnt and what could be used more widely?

  • Brief overview of innovations used to improve the set-up and performance of vaccine studies
  • Focus on innovations that could be more widely utilised for:
    • Investigators
    • Sites
    • Placement
    • Recruitment
    • Set-up & Agreements


Andrew Ustianowski
Network Director, upcoming North West Regional Research Delivery Network, NIHR

3:15 PM

Afternoon break, networking and prize draw

3:45 PM

Fireside Chat: Exploring data management tools and technologies that can assist in clinical trials

  • Discussing technologies and tools available for use in clinical trial
  • Outlining the risks and rewards of data management tools and technologies
  • Explaining how to implement: providing examples of successes and lessons learnt


Lucy Moore
Executive Director, Clinical Data Projects, Clinical Data and Insights, AstraZeneca
Richard Gray
Managing Partner, Medidata, Dassault Systemes

8 AM

Registration and refreshments

8:50 AM

Chairperson’s opening remarks


Priya Ravisekara
Senior Analyst, GlobalData

9 AM

Keynote: Latest overview of UK clinical trial landscape: are we achieving the ambition?

  • Progression so far since the clinical trial review
  • Further improvements and plans to achieve them
  • Outlook for the future of UK clinical trials

Presented by Michael Lewis, due to Purdah, on behalf of  Prof Lucy Chappell


Professor Lucy Chappell
Chief Scientific Adviser, Department of Health and Social Care
Michael Lewis
Professor of Life Science Innovation, University of Birmingham and Scientific Director Innovation, NIHR

9:30 AM

Panel discussion and audience Q&A: Reviewing recent improvements to UK clinical trial landscape and future actions for continued success

  • Discussing positive progress made in the UK since the clinical trial review in May 2023
  • Considering ongoing challenges and future actions required
  • Hearing viewpoints on where we are now from experience on the ground


Michael Lewis as panelist, on behalf of  Prof Lucy Chappell due to Purdah


Lord James O’Shaughnessy
Member of the House of Lords, former Health Minister, Senior Partner at Newmarket Strategy
Andrew Ustianowski
Network Director, upcoming North West Regional Research Delivery Network, NIHR
Janet Valentine
Executive Director Innovation and Research Policy, ABPI
Professor Lucy Chappell
Chief Scientific Adviser, Department of Health and Social Care
Michael Lewis
Professor of Life Science Innovation, University of Birmingham and Scientific Director Innovation, NIHR

10:15 AM

A New Paradigm for Clinical Innovation

The clinical research industry is at an inflection point. Advancements in technology have created the opportunity to transform clinical trial outcomes, but to make this ambition a reality, we must now rethink how we engage with patients. Today, we often treat patient relationships as transactional, de-identified numbers on individual clinical trials. We need a new way of thinking about patients. A more longitudinal way, with greater pre-trial engagement and post-trial follow-up, and across multiple studies and healthcare experiences. We also need to change how we look at patient data, widening the lens to understand patients’ health and research journeys across a broad ecosystem of data sources. But how do we execute this paradigm shift when we’re also under pressure to accelerate timelines, reduce risk, lower costs, and improve quality?

In this presentation, we’ll explore:

  • Industry drivers of this clinical research evolution
  • Challenges faced & the value of change
  • Reasons to believe - Improving trial experiences for patients, sites, CROs, & sponsors


Richard Gray
Managing Partner, Medidata, Dassault Systemes

10:45 AM

Partnering with primary care to maximise study site potential

Insufficient patient recruitment for clinical trials can strain resources and prolong study timelines. By tapping into a large pool of quality candidates, you can ensure your proposed study sites are working optimally and avoid the need to open additional sites.

Join this session to learn how partnering with GP practices through their primary care clinical system can enable you to reach a huge number of patients that were previously inaccessible. By integrating Electronic Health Records (EHRs) with proactive engagement from primary care teams, study sites can quickly recruit from a wider patient pool and reach previously untapped demographics.


Mihad Mohamed
Product Director – Research and Life Sciences, EMIS

11:15 AM

Morning refreshments and networking

11:45 AM

Finding the right balance between the needs of sponsor company and vendor for successful partnerships and oversight

  • Integrating vendors and silos into your own organization
  • Where does vendor management end and vendor oversight start?
  • Creating the right framework for a long-lasting partnership


Craig Elliott
Director Alliance Management and Sourcing, Merck

12:15 PM

Re-defining the sponsor and hospital site relationship in 2024

• Leveraging site relationships to deliver your study to time and target
• Motivating your sites to improve performance
• Improving your understanding of site process to better plan your study


Davy Yeung
COO, TCR-Solutions

12:45 PM

Incorporating sustainability in clinical trials to improve ESG responsibilities

  • Healthcare sector’s responsibility and action to address the climate crisis as accelerator for the health crisis
  • Methodology and available tools to assess carbon footprint of clinical trials
  • Clinical best-practices to save significant natural and financial resources
  • Incorporating sustainability endpoints into clinical trials


Ashton Harper
Head of Medical Affairs, Access & Innovation, Roche

1:15 PM

Lunch and networking

2:15 PM

Unlocking APAC potential to enhance your Clinical Trial Program

  • Understanding how site capabilities, regional infrastructure and a favorable regulatory environment in Asia-Pacific can expedite enrolment in your clinical trials
  • R&D incentive schemes and the positive impact on the costs of your early phase studies
  • Regional trends to access advanced healthcare technologies and innovations in Asia-Pacific


Yooni Kim
Vice President Clinical Services, Novotech

2:45 PM

Panel Discussion: Negotiating vendor agreements: getting the right balance for both sponsor and vendor

  • Finding the right balance between the needs of sponsor company and vendor to ensure right fit
  • Negotiating contracts: costs vs vendor ability to perform
  • Forging partnerships and relationships to enhance contract negotiations and communication


Priya Ravisekara
Senior Analyst, GlobalData
Rachael McTegart
Contracts and Outsourcing Director, Barinthus Biotherapeutics
Craig Elliott
Director Alliance Management and Sourcing, Merck
Leonie Martin
Senior Director, Clinical Operations, Orchard Therapeutics
Evelyne Newton
Vice President of Business Development, Velocity Clinical Research

3:15 PM

Afternoon refreshments, networking and prize draw

3:45 PM

Panel discussion: Overcoming site start-up delays and maximizing site productivity

  • Managing timelines for CTA sign off to avoid bottlenecks
  • Aligning team involvement for responsibilities and oversight
  • Addressing current challenges sites are facing


Priya Ravisekara
Senior Analyst, GlobalData
Fiona Shields
Study and Site Operations Country Head (UK), Novartis
Yinka Cole
Associate Director, Clinical Data and Site Operations, Adaptimmune
Andrew Ustianowski
Network Director, upcoming North West Regional Research Delivery Network, NIHR
Sevtap Rowlands
Director of Clinical Operations, 4 Medical Clinical Solutions (4MCS)

4:30 PM

Chairperson’s closing remarks


Priya Ravisekara
Senior Analyst, GlobalData

4:35 PM



Stream one

STREAM A: Clinical Operations and Outsourcing

Stream two

STREAM B: Clinical Technology and Innovation

11:45 AM

Implementing digital health technologies into clinical trials

  • What is Digital Health?
  • How can Digital Health Technologies be used in Clinical Development?
  • Challenges and opportunities
  • Process for selection and implementation


Farrell Healion
Senior Director, Emerging Technology, Global Clinical Solutions, AstraZeneca

12:15 PM

Panel Discussion: Innovative thinking for increasing patient diversity and inclusion in clinical trials

Whilst diversity has been a hot topic for some time, it remains of key importance to improve in the UK

  • Ensuring diversity in medical research: how are we progressing?
  • Increasing diversity in clinical trial patient recruitment
  • Advancing medicine through increased diversity


Ken Chow
Health Tech Counsel, Flanders Investment & Trade
Sarah Tissington
Regional Director, Clinical Site Management & Monitoring EU/UK, Moderna
Shilpa Muthusamy
Principle Investigator and Site Director, Velocity Clinical Research

12:45 PM

Lunch and networking

8 AM

Registration and refreshments

8:50 AM

Chairperson’s opening remarks


Priya Ravisekara
Senior Analyst, GlobalData

9 AM

Keynote: Clinical trial review – one year on, where are we now?

In May 2023, Lord James O’Shaughnessy published an independent review of commercial clinical trials in the UK, commissioned by the Government. Since the review, the UK have been responding to action his recommendations on how commercial clinical trials can help the life sciences sector unlock UK growth and investment opportunities and resolve key challenges in conducting commercial clinical trials in the UK. Lord James O’Shaughnessy returns this year to provide an update on where the UK are at, one year on since his review.


Lord James O’Shaughnessy
Member of the House of Lords, former Health Minister, Senior Partner at Newmarket Strategy

9:30 AM

How RBQM creates trust between sponsors and CROs

  • The big communication and trust challenges we see from hundreds of projects
  • What do the ultimate customers (regulatory authorities) want to see?
  • What is RBQM, what are the challenges, and how can it help?
  • How technology makes all the difference


Duncan Hall
Chief Executive Officer, TRI

10 AM

Fireside Chat: The patient journey when participating in a clinical trial

  • What do patients experience when participating in a clinical trial from start to finish?
  • Understanding patients’ motivations for choosing and staying in a clinical trial
  • Hurdles and barriers to patients’ participation in clinical trials: what can companies do to improve this and relieve burden on patients?
  • How can technology both help and hinder patients’ engagement in clinical trials?


Rebecca Mbewe
Patient Advocate

10:30 AM

An evolution of the clinical trial site

  • A comprehensive overview of traditional clinical trial management, highlighting the pros and cons of conventional research site
  • Understanding the burden trial sites face and the necessity for clinical trial sites to evolve and expand their reach and services
  • A review of site-facing technology, patient-centric approaches, and patient diversity
  • Understanding what sponsors require from research partners and the role of sites within that paradigm
  • An exploration of VCTC's approach to clinical trials as a non-traditional site
  • Delivering highly flexible trials including onsite to virtual elements and everything in between


Helen Shaw
Head of Clinical Operations and Co-Founder, VCTC

11 AM

Morning refreshments and networking

11:45 AM

Clinical trial budgeting – is the price right?

  • Tackling the growing variance between forecasted and actual clinical trial cost due to headwinds of ballooning R&D costs, increasing study complexity and global uncertainty
  • Delivering a win-win for patients and study budget through patient-centric trial design


Alecia Barry
Alecia Barry, Executive Director, Oncology Clinical Operations, Gilead Sciences

12:15 PM

Clinical trials: Adoptive cell therapy

  • Adoptive Cell Therapy Trials Overview and Comparison to UK performance
  • Active Companies in Adoptive Cell Therapy
  • Adoptive Cell Therapy Trials in Q1 2024
  • Upcoming Adoptive Cell Therapy Trials


Scotty Chung-Siu
Managing Analyst, Clinical Trials Intelligence, GlobalData

12:45 PM

Lunch and networking

2 PM

Case study: Utilising academic and industry collaborations for PPI in clinical trials

• Overview of the drug used in the clinical trial
• Integrating and increasing PPI through academic and industry collaboration
• Highlighting the value of PPI on trial design, recruitment and retainment


Julia DeCesare
Senior Director, Clinical Operations, Accession Therapeutics
Dave Cole
Head of Research, Accession Therapeutics
Julie Hepburn
Patient Representative Lead PPI&E, Cardiff ECMC and Advanced Therapies Wales

2:30 PM

Utilising remote sampling in large studies: examples and key learnings

  • Examples of published clinical trials using remote sampling approaches and key learnings from these
  • Use of remote VAMS sampling to measure toxic chemicals for epidemiological and related studies, why handwashing is so important
  • Using dried remote samples for sample collection in a large European project for studying Psoriatic Arthritis


James Rudge
Technical Director, Neoteryx

3 PM

Afternoon refreshments, networking, and Apple Prize Draw

3:30 PM


During the roundtable discussion session, the conference hall will be divided into zones. Delegates can choose which zone they would like to join. Each zone will be led by a table lead/host and will focus on a different challenge within the industry. After 30 minutes, delegates will have the opportunity to swap and choose a different table, and each roundtable will run twice

Re-evaluating study if things go wrong with CRO or country in clinical trial: to stay or change?
Alison McMorn, VP Clinical Development, AMO Pharma

Considerations for cell and gene therapy trials set up
Yinka Cole, Associate Director, Clinical Data and Site Operations, Adaptimmune

Navigating the Complexities of Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (RPT) Clinical Trials
Nathaniel Scott, Medical Physicist, Blue Earth Therapeutics


Dr Alison McMorn
Yinka Cole
Associate Director, Clinical Data and Site Operations, Adaptimmune
Nathaniel Scott
Medical Physicist, Blue Earth Therapeutics

4:30 PM

Chairperson’s closing remarks


Priya Ravisekara
Senior Analyst, GlobalData


2024 Speakers

Select a speaker to learn more

Lord James O’Shaughnessy
Member of the House of Lords, former Health Minister, Senior Partner at Newmarket Strategy

James has operated at the highest levels of government, including as a Minister at the
Department for Health & Social Care, as Director of the No.10 Policy Unit, and as an advisor to
DHSC Ministers during the COVID-19 crisis. As Minister his responsibilities included
implementing the Life Science Industrial Strategy, delivering a new pricing scheme with the
pharmaceutical industry, chairing the National Genomics Board, and driving the digital
transformation of the NHS. He was also responsible for preparing the health and social care
sectors for Brexit and helping to design the post-Brexit regulatory regime.

James is co-founder and Senior Partner of Newmarket Strategy, a consultancy dedicated to
improving access to health innovation by providing strategic advice and technical support to
the healthcare, life sciences and health tech sectors. He is also a non-executive director at
HDR-UK and the Albion Development VCT plc. In early 2023 James was commissioned by the
Government to carry out an independent review of commercial clinical trials in the UK, which
was published in May.


Session Details:

Panel discussion and audience Q&A: Reviewing recent improvements to UK clinical trial landscape and future actions for continued success

2024-06-11, 9:30 AM

Session Details:

Keynote: Clinical trial review – one year on, where are we now?

2024-06-12, 9:00 AM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Andrew Ustianowski
Network Director, upcoming North West Regional Research Delivery Network, NIHR

Professor Andrew Ustianowski is a Consultant Physician in Infectious Diseases at the Regional Infection Unit, North Manchester General Hospital, UK, and from April 2024 the Network Director for the NW Regional Research Delivery Network, National Institute of Health Research (NIHR). Other roles include: the joint National Specialty Lead for Infection (NIHR); co-Clinical Director for the Greater Manchester Clinical Research Network; Clinical Lead for the Manchester Academic Health Science Centre; National Clinical Lead for the UK NIHR COVID Vaccine Research Programme; and joint National Clinical Lead for the UK’s Vaccine Innovation Pathway. He has been UK chief investigator on multiple COVID, HIV and other studies and PI on >100 other trials.

Prof Ustianowski graduated from Guy’s Hospital, London, UK and subsequently trained in Infectious Diseases, Tropical Medicine, HIV and General Medicine in the London region

Session Details:

Panel discussion and audience Q&A: Reviewing recent improvements to UK clinical trial landscape and future actions for continued success

2024-06-11, 9:30 AM

Session Details:

Panel discussion: Overcoming site start-up delays and maximizing site productivity

2024-06-11, 3:45 PM

Session Details:

Vaccine Trial – what we have learnt and what could be used more widely?

2024-06-11, 2:45 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Janet Valentine
Executive Director Innovation and Research Policy, ABPI

Janet has extensive experience in strategic leadership positions in the UK health research and health data research environment. As Executive Director of Innovation and Research Policy at the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), Janet is responsible for influencing Government policy to make the UK a globally attractive destination to discover and develop new medicines and vaccines. Janet was initially appointed to the ABPI as Director of Health Data and Digital Policy. Prior to joining the ABPI, Janet was the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund Director for Data to Early Diagnosis and Precision Medicine at Innovate UK, where she oversaw a broad portfolio of investments in genomics, health data, AI, medical imaging and digital pathology. In her previous role as an Executive Director at the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Janet led the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD). CPRD is the UK’s largest dedicated health data research service, providing research data services to industry, academia and regulators worldwide. Janet’s previous roles include Head of Population Health and Health Informatics at the Medical Research Council and Deputy Chief Executive of the UK Clinical Research Collaboration. Janet’s scientific background is in gene regulation.

Session Details:

Panel discussion and audience Q&A: Reviewing recent improvements to UK clinical trial landscape and future actions for continued success

2024-06-11, 9:30 AM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Julia DeCesare
Senior Director, Clinical Operations, Accession Therapeutics

Session Details:

Case study: Utilising academic and industry collaborations for PPI in clinical trials

2024-06-12, 2:00 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Dave Cole
Head of Research, Accession Therapeutics

Session Details:

Case study: Utilising academic and industry collaborations for PPI in clinical trials

2024-06-12, 2:00 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Yinka Cole
Associate Director, Clinical Data and Site Operations, Adaptimmune

Session Details:

Panel discussion: Overcoming site start-up delays and maximizing site productivity

2024-06-11, 3:45 PM

Session Details:


2024-06-12, 3:30 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Dr Alison McMorn

Dr. McMorn is an experienced clinical development researcher with over 25 years of industry experience and has a strong focus in CNS and paediatric drug development. She has worked for both Pharmaceutical Companies and Contract Research Organisations including holding positions at SAR Monitoring Services Ltd, Mundipharma International Ltd and Shire Development Inc. Starting her career at SAR as a Clinical Research Associate (CRA) she subsequently moved to Mundipharma where she was responsible for initiating the first paediatric clinical research program for the company. At Shire Dr. McMorn led, planned and managed global paediatric and adult clinical development programs for a wide variety of indications including psychiatry, pain, gastrointestinal and hepatology across all phases of development (Phase 0 to Phase 4). In addition she was responsible for harmonizing Clinical Trial Administrator (CTA) working practices across all regions for the company. In 2015 Dr. McMorn joined AMO Pharma Ltd, a virtual pharmaceutical company focused predominantly on paediatric neurodevelopmental rare diseases, as VP of Clinical Development. She holds an undergraduate degree in Pharmacology and a PhD in Psychology from the University of Leeds, UK.

Session Details:


2024-06-12, 3:30 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Lucy Moore
Executive Director, Clinical Data Projects, Clinical Data and Insights, AstraZeneca

Lucy Moore has over twenty years of pharma industry experience, starting first as a Clinical Data Manager at Amgen where she took on roles of increasing responsibility as well as leading multiple continuous improvement projects. She joined AstraZeneca as a Data Management Expert in 2015 then quickly moved into more operations focused roles, leading the setup of a key Clinical Trial Delivery model across Data Management and Statistics/Statistical Programming before gaining additional operational experience in supporting a large clinical data focused department in Business Planning and Operations. In January 2021 she was asked to be the overall Business Programme Lead for the transformational Redefining Clinical Data Flow Programme, which is delivering streamlined data flow and improved system benefits to the company.

Session Details:

Case study: Redefining clinical data flow

2024-06-11, 11:45 AM

Session Details:

Fireside Chat: Exploring data management tools and technologies that can assist in clinical trials

2024-06-11, 3:45 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Farrell Healion
Senior Director, Emerging Technology, Global Clinical Solutions, AstraZeneca

Farrell Healion is currently Senior Director Emerging Technologies, Global Clinical Solutions at AstraZeneca, where he leads the operational readiness delivery to scale up new technologies to be used in their clinical trials. He previously led their Digital Patient Solutions team that deliver patient-facing Digital Health Technologies(DHTs) such as eCOA across the AstraZeneca portfolio.

Starting out as an eCOA Developer at CRF Health, Farrell then moved through various technical leadership roles eventually leading the Technical and Project Management Office in Signant Health before moving to AstraZeneca. He is passionate about scaling up the use of patient and site-centric new DHTs in Clinical Trials, getting involved with various industry work groups such as DTRA and the eCOA Consortium. He is also the 2023 winner in Pharmatimes International Clinical Researcher of the Year award in the Decentralised Solutions category.


Session Details:

Implementing digital health technologies into clinical trials

2024-06-12, 11:45 AM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Rachael McTegart
Contracts and Outsourcing Director, Barinthus Biotherapeutics

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Negotiating vendor agreements: getting the right balance for both sponsor and vendor

2024-06-11, 2:45 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Alecia Barry
Alecia Barry, Executive Director, Oncology Clinical Operations, Gilead Sciences

Alecia Barry, PhD, joined Gilead in 2022 as Clinical Operations Franchise Head for Breast, Gynaecological and Genito-urinary Cancers.   In her current role, Alecia oversees and leads a large group of oncology Clinical Operations professionals with global scope and accountability for operational strategy definition and trial execution to meet cost, speed and quality standards.  Alecia serves a thought partner to the Oncology Clinical Development Franchise Heads providing strategic operational leadership and expertise. She is a member of the Clinical Operations Oncology Leadership Team with responsibilities for developing and evolving short- and long-range Clinical Operations strategies, plans, processes, tools and infrastructure development. Alecia functions as a Clinical Operations Vendor Lead for strategic CRO partnerships, with accountability to develop relationships, identify cross-portfolio issues, elevate to governance committees, and lead effective multi-level engagement and communication with Gilead and with CRO partners.

Alecia obtained her pharmacy degree, higher diploma in Quality Management and a PhD in Pharmaceutics from Trinity College, University of Dublin.  Alecia has more than 15 years’ experience in the pharmaceutical industry across at various levels and positions in pharmaceutical development and clinical operations.

Session Details:

Clinical trial budgeting – is the price right?

2024-06-12, 11:45 AM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Scotty Chung-Siu
Managing Analyst, Clinical Trials Intelligence, GlobalData

Session Details:

Clinical trials: Adoptive cell therapy

2024-06-12, 12:15 PM

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Next speaker
Priya Ravisekara
Senior Analyst, GlobalData

Priya Ravisekara, MSc,is a senior analyst at GlobalData in London, UK, where her primary responsibilities include producing analytical reports, improving and maintaining database functionality through quality assurance testing, updating and monitoring Global Data’s Clinical Trials Intelligence Database, and answering queries directly from clients. Priya holds a Masters in Clinical Drug Development from Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, and a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from Brunel University, London.​

Session Details:

Chairperson’s opening remarks

2024-06-11, 8:50 AM

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Negotiating vendor agreements: getting the right balance for both sponsor and vendor

2024-06-11, 2:45 PM

Session Details:

Panel discussion: Overcoming site start-up delays and maximizing site productivity

2024-06-11, 3:45 PM

Session Details:

Chairperson’s closing remarks

2024-06-12, 4:30 PM

Session Details:

Chairperson’s opening remarks

2024-06-12, 8:50 AM

Session Details:

Chairperson’s closing remarks

2024-06-11, 4:30 PM

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Next speaker
Ken Chow
Health Tech Counsel, Flanders Investment & Trade

After receiving his scientific trainings in the areas of infectious diseases, oncology, and pharmacology at Institut Pasteur Paris, VU Amsterdam and DUKE-NUS Singapore, Ken started to advise on the R&D (e.g. academic/industry collab., clinical trials, manufacturing, RAs etc), intellectual properties, and investment (buy/sell) partnerships for 100+ small/listed biopharm companies worldwide. These were all thanks to his 10+ years of experience in Brinc, Hong Kong Science Park, an University tech transfer office, and an international patent agency. Currently, Ken is the Health Tech Counsel for the London office of the Government of Flanders. His role is to identify and advise on any biopharm / heath tech-focused collaborations between the ecosystem stakeholders in the UK, Ireland, and the Flanders region of Belgium.

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Innovative thinking for increasing patient diversity and inclusion in clinical trials

2024-06-12, 12:15 PM

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Next speaker
Craig Elliott
Director Alliance Management and Sourcing, Merck

Craig is Director Alliance Management and Sourcing, with responsibility for Central Labs, Imaging, Phase 1 and Early Access Programs.

Craig has worked for over 35 years in Clinical Research in both large pharma and small, medium and large CROs and academia performing a number of roles: CRA, line management, quality and training, alliance management, process improvement and strategic improvements. Craig has worked across multiple therapeutic areas and supported business development and operations interacting with large pharmaceutical companies and biotech sponsors.  He has worked on a number of global strategic initiatives.

Craig is a PhD in Respiratory and Exercise Physiology and a BSc in Physiology and Biology.  He is also a qualified cricket coach.

Session Details:

Finding the right balance between the needs of sponsor company and vendor for successful partnerships and oversight

2024-06-11, 11:45 AM

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Negotiating vendor agreements: getting the right balance for both sponsor and vendor

2024-06-11, 2:45 PM

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Next speaker
Fiona Shields
Study and Site Operations Country Head (UK), Novartis

Fiona is an experienced Clinical research Professional who has 25+ years of extensive experience in different roles of Clinical Trial Operations. Starting her career as an Oncology Nurse she moved into Clinical Research to support the development of Clinical Trial delivery at the Leicester Royal Infirmary which then became part of the National Cancer Research Network. Moving her career forward she has undertaken a variety of roles, in CROs, Pharma and Medical Device companies concentrating on the building of trial Operation Services.

In her current role,  Country Head ( UK), Study and Site Operations,  within Novartis Fiona is accountable for all country clinical operations and has a responsibility to drive the strategic direction of the study and site operations department. She  manages a team of accomplished leaders to increase the contribution that Novartis can make within the Clinical Trial landscape.

Throughout her career Fiona has always had a passion for people leadership and applies this in her management and leadership style.

Session Details:

Panel discussion: Overcoming site start-up delays and maximizing site productivity

2024-06-11, 3:45 PM

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Next speaker
Rebecca Mbewe
Patient Advocate

Session Details:

Fireside Chat: The patient journey when participating in a clinical trial

2024-06-12, 10:00 AM

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Next speaker
Ashton Harper
Head of Medical Affairs, Access & Innovation, Roche

Session Details:

Incorporating sustainability in clinical trials to improve ESG responsibilities

2024-06-11, 12:45 PM

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Next speaker
James Rudge
Technical Director, Neoteryx

Session Details:

Utilising remote sampling in large studies: examples and key learnings

2024-06-12, 2:30 PM

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Next speaker
Nathaniel Scott
Medical Physicist, Blue Earth Therapeutics

Nathaniel Scott is a seasoned Clinical Scientist and certified Medical Physics Expert (MPE) specialising in nuclear medicine. Currently with Blue Earth Therapeutics, Nathaniel leads on the scientific aspects of imaging and dosimetry in the clinical development program. Having trained as a Clinical Scientist within in the National Health Service, Nathaniel later transitioned to developing and overseeing a comprehensive nuclear medicine physics service within a private oncology network in the UK. Their expertise lies in radiopharmaceutical therapy and dosimetry, with a drive for improving patient care and treatment effectiveness.

Session Details:


2024-06-12, 3:30 PM

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Next speaker
Richard Gray
Managing Partner, Medidata, Dassault Systemes

Richard Gray is a Managing Partner at Dassault Life Sciences, engaged across the full portfolio including the market leading Medidata brand. He has been serving the life sciences & healthcare industry for over 30 years, inspired by the opportunity to accelerate productivity across the value chain and improve outcomes for patients.

With a background in process optimization, data, and technology, he has enabled many European and US sponsors to uplift their capabilities, and in his current role he is driving innovation in areas including early-stage research and discovery, through preclinical and clinical, out to manufacturing, supply chain and commercialisation.

Richard believes that data [strategy] holds the key to accelerating the value of technology, creating the opportunity to connect physical and digital worlds to advance virtual twin experiences, enabling the promise of AI to be democratized, and fueling in silico approaches that will revolutionise the science of tomorrow.

Session Details:

A New Paradigm for Clinical Innovation

2024-06-11, 10:15 AM

Session Details:

Fireside Chat: Exploring data management tools and technologies that can assist in clinical trials

2024-06-11, 3:45 PM

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Sevtap Rowlands
Director of Clinical Operations, 4 Medical Clinical Solutions (4MCS)

Session Details:

Panel discussion: Overcoming site start-up delays and maximizing site productivity

2024-06-11, 3:45 PM

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Julie Hepburn
Patient Representative Lead PPI&E, Cardiff ECMC and Advanced Therapies Wales

Session Details:

Case study: Utilising academic and industry collaborations for PPI in clinical trials

2024-06-12, 2:00 PM

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Sarah Tissington
Regional Director, Clinical Site Management & Monitoring EU/UK, Moderna

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Innovative thinking for increasing patient diversity and inclusion in clinical trials

2024-06-12, 12:15 PM

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Leonie Martin
Senior Director, Clinical Operations, Orchard Therapeutics

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Negotiating vendor agreements: getting the right balance for both sponsor and vendor

2024-06-11, 2:45 PM

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Mihad Mohamed
Product Director – Research and Life Sciences, EMIS

Mihad is a Product Director for research and life sciences at EMIS. He has spent the last 10 years leading the dvelopment of data driven products for the clinical trials sector. Working with leading academic and commercial research organisations, he managed the development of a suite of data driven products on the EMIS-X Analytics platform. Prior to joining EMIS, he played a pivotal role in developing various modules within the Medidata Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS) catering to global study teams and sites.

Session Details:

Partnering with primary care to maximise study site potential

2024-06-11, 10:45 AM

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Josep Bori
Research Director, Thematics Division, GlobalData

Session Details:

Artificial Intelligence in Pharma

2024-06-11, 12:45 PM

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Shilpa Muthusamy
Principle Investigator and Site Director, Velocity Clinical Research

Shilpa is a Principle Investigator and Site Director at Velocity Clinical Research with over 8 years of physician experience. She is passionate about diversity and inclusion of ethnic minorities within clinical trials, and hope that by leading Velocity's new trial site in Romford we can improve trial access for this population. Shilpa is committed to achieving this goal which will allow us to have a better understanding of the chronic disease burden in this population and develop more targeted therapies in the future.

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Innovative thinking for increasing patient diversity and inclusion in clinical trials

2024-06-12, 12:15 PM

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Evelyne Newton
Vice President of Business Development, Velocity Clinical Research

With over 20 years of experience in the healthcare and clinical research sector, Evelyne is a Vice President of Business Development at Velocity Clinical Research, Inc. She leads key strategic partnerships globally and drive sales in Europe. She is committed to partnering with CROs/Sponsors to deliver high-quality clinical trial data and patient care with unprecedented efficiency.  She is also passionate about diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB), she serves as a co-chair of the DEIB Council at Worldwide Clinical Trials. In this capacity, Evelyne collaborates with other leaders and stakeholders to foster a culture of respect, empowerment, and belonging across the organization. Her mission is to contribute to the advancement of healthcare and clinical research.

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Negotiating vendor agreements: getting the right balance for both sponsor and vendor

2024-06-11, 2:45 PM

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Yooni Kim
Vice President Clinical Services, Novotech

Yooni Kim is the Global Head of Clinical Services at Novotech with over 24 years of clinical research experience and technical knowledge in CRO, Pharmaceutical Company and Academy Research Institution. With a Ph.D. in Preventive Medicine (Epidemiology) from the Seoul National University of Medicine, she started her career at GSK in 2004 and joined ICON Clinical Research (ex-PRA) in 2009 as Director of Operations. Yooni worked with PRA Health Sciences for 7 years, establishing the legal entity and service capabilities for PRA Korea. Since joining Novotech in 2016, she served as the Executive Director Asia Operations. Currently, she continues to lead Global Clinical Operations at Novotech.

Session Details:

Unlocking APAC potential to enhance your Clinical Trial Program

2024-06-11, 2:15 PM

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Sverre Bengtsson
Co-Founder, Viedoc

Sverre Bengtsson started in the clinical trials industry over 30 years ago. He started as a statistician/statistical programmer, later into data management and since over 20 years into business development. He has been working in both CRO’s as well as in clinical trials technology companies, including the global first ePRO company. Sverre is very interested in making clinical trials efficient, in both study design but also in the processes and technologies used. Sverre co-founded Viedoc Technologies 19 years ago and is responsible for some of the major accounts but also the vision around the company. He’s on the board of both some industry organisations and in clinical technology companies.

Session Details:

A 360° view of digitalization in clinical trials

2024-06-11, 12:15 PM

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Davy Yeung
COO, TCR-Solutions

Dr Davy Yeung’s career to date encompasses academia and the NHS. He has made valuable contributions to clinical research at the University of Cambridge, Imperial College, and other major academic institutions.

Dr Yeung was also the Head of Research at various UK Hospital Trusts. During his time in the NHS, he gained considerable insight into the governance and delivery of clinical research in the UK. This unique perspective enables our sponsors to select, initiate and manage UK investigative sites for their clinical studies rapidly and effectively. Having collaborated with a wide range of influential leaders in the field of clinical research, Dr Yeung is himself highly respected and well known in the UK’s healthcare research and development sector.

Session Details:

Re-defining the sponsor and hospital site relationship in 2024

2024-06-11, 12:15 PM

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Michael Lewis
Professor of Life Science Innovation, University of Birmingham and Scientific Director Innovation, NIHR

Session Details:

Keynote: Latest overview of UK clinical trial landscape: are we achieving the ambition?

2024-06-11, 9:00 AM

Session Details:

Panel discussion and audience Q&A: Reviewing recent improvements to UK clinical trial landscape and future actions for continued success

2024-06-11, 9:30 AM

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Duncan Hall
Chief Executive Officer, TRI

Session Details:

How RBQM creates trust between sponsors and CROs

2024-06-12, 9:30 AM

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Bruce Hellman
Co-Founder and Chief Patient Officer, UMotif

Chief Patient Officer and Co-Founder - uMotif

Bruce is the Chief Patient Officer of uMotif and co-founded the company in 2012. He and his team have designed and built a patient-centric eCOA / ePRO data capture platform for clinical and real-world research.

Bruce began his career working in clinical trials at British Biotech before joining the UK Civil Service Fast Stream in the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Prior to founding uMotif, Bruce worked at Serco and completed an Executive MBA from Imperial College Business School.

Bruce has been recognized in the PharmaVoice 100 as one of the most innovative entrepreneurs in life sciences and has also been nominated as one of Computer Weekly's UKtech50 Rising Stars, won the Cisco BIG awards, and was nominated by Real Business magazine as one of the '30 to watch in mobile'.


Bruce is a 3-time Ironman finisher and Head Coach of the Teddington Athletic Under 11s Sharks football team.

Session Details:

Putting patients at the centre of their clinical trial journey: supporting engagement, driving ePRO compliance

2024-06-11, 2:15 PM

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Helen Shaw
Head of Clinical Operations and Co-Founder, VCTC

Helen Shaw, PhD, is the Co-founder and Head of Clinical Operations of VCTC, a patient-centric clinical trial site dedicated to bringing clinical research directly to participants through compassionate and expedited site processes. Dr. Shaw holds a PhD with a focus in clinical trial methodology, from the University of Birmingham, where she developed early considerations for the use of eConsent in clinical trials. During her 15+ years serving in the industry—including in her current role as Head of Clinical Operations at VCTC—Dr. Shaw has advocated for, and participated in, the development and implementation of strategies that make clinical research more accessible and less burdensome for participants.

Session Details:

An evolution of the clinical trial site

2024-06-12, 10:30 AM

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