As the mastermind behind Inflo, Mark aims to transform the audit and accounting profession by making innovative technologies and broader expertise available to all. With the global audit profession facing heavy criticism after high-profile business failures and frauds, Mark has stepped forward as a voice for progress. As well as being quoted in Sir Donald Brydon’s and other audit market reviews, Mark has been called upon to support international efforts to modernise and transform the audit and accounting profession. Mark is a member of the Advisory Panel to the IAASB’s Technology Working Group as well as the Reference Group supporting the development of the IAASB’s new standards for auditing less complex entities. He also leads a US AICPA working group to tackle innovation barriers through advancing data standards. Mark’s efforts centre around developing the relevance and value of the accounting profession’s work, and ensuring accountancy offers an exciting career pathway. Mark has a strong passion for advancing the skills and expertise of his peers in the profession and Inflo now performs a key role within education, including within the ICAEW’s Chartered Accountant qualification.