Sustainable Finance Summit & Awards 2023

Driving Change in the Real Economy. With sustainable finance topping the agenda for the world’s leading banks, Arena International, publishers of Leasing life and Motor Finance are proud to announce the inaugural Sustainable Finance Summit & Awards 2023 event will be held on 10 May 2023 in Paris.



  • Four Seasons George V, Paris
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With businesses under increasing stakeholder pressure to achieve a neutral, if not positive, environmental and social impact, senior professionals and C Level executives from across continental Europe and the UK will gather under one roof on 10 May 2023 to explore pathways to helping clients manage the change and cost associated with transitioning to a more sustainable future. We will explore product trends associated with the most popular approaches to green funding: renewable asset finance, energy transition assets and solutions and zero-emission vehicles together with how to exploit the opportunities digital technologies offer for a sustainable future.

Sustainable Finance Summit & Awards 2023


  • 10 May 2023
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9 AM

Welcome address and chair’s opening remarks


Patrick Gouin
Executive Director, Invigors

9:15 AM

The net zero banking alliance

The industry-led, United-Nations-convened Net-Zero Banking Alliance brings together a global group of over 120 banks, currently representing about 40% of global banking assets, which are committed to aligning their lending and investment portfolios with net-zero emissions by 2050.

  • Presentation and objectives
  • Key programs
  • Key performance indicators


Adrienne Horel-Pages
Chief Sustainability Officer, La Banque Postale and Steering Group Member of the Net Zero Banking Alliance

Session One – What our ecosystem tells us? And how is it for our industry?


Ian Robertson
Executive Director, Invigors EMEA

9:35 AM

ESG risks, opportunities within automotive captive finance

  • Risks from human rights to biodiversity
  • New business opportunities
  • Our chance to shape the world we want to live



Tabitha Carpenter
SVP Region Europe South & West - Australia & Africa, Volvo Financial Services
Estelle Skopan
Director of ESG & Sustainability, Volvo Financial Services

9:55 AM

Operationalising sustainability in the leasing industry

  • Ways to reduce Scope 3 financed emissions
  • Framework for green asset financing
  • ESG asset classification and scoring
  • Portfolio ESG analytics, monitoring and target setting


Ivan Bagaliyski
Director Strategy & ESG Value Proposition, Product Management, Solifi

10:15 AM

Supporting our partners and enabling our members to build a more sustainable future

  • Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) reporting guidelines and how they impact the leasing industry
  • Go green and beyond green. How to combine social impact with net-zero solutions
  • Culture and people strategy; what is the power of a people & purpose driven culture to build a sustainable future?



Marije Rhebergen
Global Head Of Sustainability , DLL

10:35 AM

Panel Discussion: How we can all contribute and … urgently


Marije Rhebergen
Global Head Of Sustainability , DLL
Tabitha Carpenter
SVP Region Europe South & West - Australia & Africa, Volvo Financial Services
Estelle Skopan
Director of ESG & Sustainability, Volvo Financial Services
Colin Fleischmann
Director of Global Accounts and Business Development, Solifi

11:05 AM

Refreshment break

Session Two – What does sustainability look like for the asset finance industry?


Ian Robertson
Executive Director, Invigors EMEA

11:35 AM

The circular economy: From ownership to use and use to reuse

  • What does the circular economy look like in asset finance?
  • Looking to the circular economy for long-term value creation
  • Utilizing existing equipment and navigating design change of equipment for longer use
  • Embracing the circular economy as an industry and utilizing the opportunities available


Dr. Mathias Wagner

11:55 AM

The industry in action

  • Renewable Energy: o Presenting industry examples of solar panel project financing  o Navigating the implementation challenges, solutions, and opportunities , value propositions
  • Reducing carbon consumption through energy efficient services
  • Utilizing heating, cooling, and lighting as a service
  • Factoring in these services and overcoming common mistakes


Darren Riva
Chief Executive Officer, Capitas Finance

12:15 PM

Financing green assets

  • What exactly is "green," and how do we define and measure this?
  • Avoiding greenwashing and enforcing measures to limit green terms
  • Keeping to EU regulator directives and avoiding perception-reality misalignment


Lucrezia Zito
Strategy Execution Lead | Sustainable Finance, ABN AMRO Asset Based Finance

12:35 PM

Panel Discussion: How can we bring the circular economy, energy transition, and e-mobility to the forefront of financial thinking?


Dr. Mathias Wagner
Lucrezia Zito
Strategy Execution Lead | Sustainable Finance, ABN AMRO Asset Based Finance
Ian Robertson
Executive Director, Invigors EMEA
Darren Riva
Chief Executive Officer, Capitas Finance

1:05 PM


Session Three – What are the challenges and opportunities?


Nick Leader
CEO, Acquis

2:05 PM

Finance Impact: Carbon emissions and energy savings as key enablers of circular IT and new commercial model

  • Turning carbon emissions, energy savings and space rationalization into actionable insights for new commercial structure
  • Six steps methodology to self-sustainable solutions
  • Assessing energy costs and carbon emissions as organizations’ ESG goals; the data centre example
  • Use case; financing zero waste and zero obsolescence with Circular IT payment solution


Angelo Fienga
Director, Sustainable Solutions, Cisco

2:25 PM

Putting sustainability at the core of your organisation

By working closely with the Siemens industrial businesses and external partners across key verticals, Siemens Financial Services has unique perspectives and insights about the challenges and opportunities that come with putting sustainability at the core of your business.

  • Partnering with vendors to ensure customers can invest in sustainability-enabling technology
  • Adapting as a financing business and industry to maximise the opportunities


Matthias Grossmann
Global CEO of Commercial Finance, Siemens Financial Services

2:45 PM

Providing creative funding solutions for the transition to a clean economy

  • Electrification of road transportation
  • E- Mobility Solutions
  • New vehicle technology for heavy commercial transport


Patrick Perquy
Sales Director Vendor International, PEAC Solutions

3:05 PM

Panel Discussion: How do I future-proof my business against climate change?


Nick Leader
CEO, Acquis
Matthias Grossmann
Global CEO of Commercial Finance, Siemens Financial Services
Andrey Maramzine
Chief Sustainability Officer, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions
Angelo Fienga
Director, Sustainable Solutions, Cisco
Patrick Perquy
Sales Director Vendor International, PEAC Solutions

3:35 PM

Refreshment break

Session Four – How do we get there?


Patrick Gouin
Executive Director, Invigors

4:05 PM

Fireside chat: What do the relevant solutions look like to adapt to the environmental responsibility context?


  • New asset management approach
  • Provision of services management facilities
  • Availability of Pay-per-use" to promote recycling processes
  • Include CO2 calculation gains
  • Reporting


Thomas Nokin
CEO, Basikon
Benoît Heitz
Partner, Onepoint

4:25 PM

Developing change makers

Changing perceptions to make sustainability a value creation opportunity, rather than a barrier or box ticking. Triple Point’s private credit team have engaged with a range of methods to take sustainability from the sidelines to part of the deal conversation:

  • Engaging specialists to drive knowledge
  • Developing bespoke due diligence & portfolio monitoring
  • Driving a culture of innovation & accountability


Lindsay Smart
Head of Sustainability, Triple Point

4:45 PM

Risk and funding challenges in energy transition projects

  • Financing options and modalities
  • Sources of funding
  • Projects cases




Marie-Sylvie Bertail
CEO, GreenFlex
Philippe Segui
Chief International Officer, GreenFlex

5:05 PM

Closing Panel Discussion: Opportunities and Challenges: What did we learn today?


Dr. Mathias Wagner
Matthias Grossmann
Global CEO of Commercial Finance, Siemens Financial Services
Marije Rhebergen
Global Head Of Sustainability , DLL
Nicolas Ullmo
Deputy CEO, Basikon

5:35 PM

Closing Remarks

5:45 PM

Conference Close

6:30 PM

Pre- Awards Drinks Reception

7:30 PM

Sustainable Finance Awards


Select a speaker to learn more

Alejandro Gonzalez
Editor, Leasing Life
Next speaker
Ivan Bagaliyski
Director Strategy & ESG Value Proposition, Product Management, Solifi

Ivan Bagaliyski, develops innovative value propositions for the equipment and automotive finance sectors. He’s passionate about translating customer requirements into strategic software solutions to drive business growth and efficiencies for banks, independents, and captives.


Bagaliyski previously worked in investment banking, wealth management, regulatory reporting, and risk management software organizations. He also holds an MBA from the London Business School and a bachelor’s degree in Economics from DePauw University.

Session Details:

Operationalising sustainability in the leasing industry

2023-05-10, 9:55 AM

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Dr. Mathias Wagner

Session Details:

The circular economy: From ownership to use and use to reuse

2023-05-10, 11:35 AM

Session Details:

Closing Panel Discussion: Opportunities and Challenges: What did we learn today?

2023-05-10, 5:05 PM

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How can we bring the circular economy, energy transition, and e-mobility to the forefront of financial thinking?

2023-05-10, 12:35 PM

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Nick Leader
CEO, Acquis

Nick has worked in the asset finance industry for over 20 years, specialising in providing bespoke insurance products for equipment lessors. As CEO of Acquis, Nick works in partnership with some of the largest lessors in Europe and has witnessed first-hand the resilience the asset finance industry has shown in rising to overcome the major challenges of the past two decades, such as the 2007/8 banking crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic. Nick believes the transition towards sustainability is one of the greatest challenges the industry has faced, but is confident that the asset finance industry is very well placed to achieve its sustainability agenda and lead the financial services industry in making a positive environmental impact for the benefit of future generations.

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How do I future-proof my business against climate change?

2023-05-10, 3:05 PM

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Session Three – What are the challenges and opportunities?

2023-05-10, 2:04 PM

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Adrienne Horel-Pages
Chief Sustainability Officer, La Banque Postale and Steering Group Member of the Net Zero Banking Alliance

Session Details:

The net zero banking alliance

2023-05-10, 9:15 AM

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Patrick Gouin
Executive Director, Invigors

Session Details:

Welcome address and chair’s opening remarks

2023-05-10, 9:00 AM

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Session Four – How do we get there?

2023-05-10, 4:04 PM

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Matthias Grossmann
Global CEO of Commercial Finance, Siemens Financial Services

Matthias Grossmann is the CEO for the Commercial Finance business of Siemens Financial Services. Matthias has almost 30 years’ experience with the Siemens Group. He has worked in the US and Germany; and was until 2019 based in Sweden where he was CFO for the Siemens Nordic region. He was also Head of Corporate Pensions, the unit responsible for group-wide and Siemens AG pension management. Matthias has extensive experience and knowledge of both the finance and industry markets. He also has a keen interest in sustainability, and is leading the SFS Commercial Finance drive to enable businesses across the global to invest in more sustainable equipment and technology. Matthias holds a degree in Business Administration from the Technical University Berlin, Germany.

Session Details:

Closing Panel Discussion: Opportunities and Challenges: What did we learn today?

2023-05-10, 5:05 PM

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How do I future-proof my business against climate change?

2023-05-10, 3:05 PM

Session Details:

Putting sustainability at the core of your organisation

2023-05-10, 2:25 PM

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Marije Rhebergen
Global Head Of Sustainability , DLL

Marije Rhebergen is DLL’s Global Head of Sustainability. She is responsible for DLL’s sustainability strategy assuring adherence to regulations as well as supporting customers in the transition to low carbon and circular business models. Products and solutions cover circular and usage models, clean tech and energy solutions, CO2 reduction and ESG risk management, but also social impact programs such as DLL’s volunteering program and advisory support to emerging markets through which DLL aims to contribute to the challenges the world is facing. Before joining DLL, Marije built up extensive experience in sustainability related functions. Currently, she participates as Board Member of PartnerFonds Brainport Eindhoven and Board Member of Impact040.

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How we can all contribute and … urgently

2023-05-10, 10:35 AM

Session Details:

Supporting our partners and enabling our members to build a more sustainable future

2023-05-10, 10:15 AM

Session Details:

Closing Panel Discussion: Opportunities and Challenges: What did we learn today?

2023-05-10, 5:05 PM

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Lucrezia Zito
Strategy Execution Lead | Sustainable Finance, ABN AMRO Asset Based Finance

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How can we bring the circular economy, energy transition, and e-mobility to the forefront of financial thinking?

2023-05-10, 12:35 PM

Session Details:

Financing green assets

2023-05-10, 12:15 PM

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Patrick Perquy
Sales Director Vendor International, PEAC Solutions

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How do I future-proof my business against climate change?

2023-05-10, 3:05 PM

Session Details:

Providing creative funding solutions for the transition to a clean economy

2023-05-10, 2:45 PM

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Darren Riva
Chief Executive Officer, Capitas Finance

Darren Riva is the Chief Executive Officer of Capitas Finance.

A seasoned energy sector professional, he has an enviable resume that includes the position of Head of Energy Finance at Siemens Financial Services and Northern European Group Services Director at Zumtobel Group. His specialist knowledge and skills in financial services combine with a solid understanding of the challenges facing industry and the energy services market. As a result, he has the understanding required to formulate both strategic business plans and tactical ideas to rapidly mobilise best practice solutions producing tangible, high quality results.

Darren sits on the Renewable Energy Association (REA) Finance Forum Steering Group, having previously served as the Chair

Session Details:

The industry in action

2023-05-10, 11:55 AM

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How can we bring the circular economy, energy transition, and e-mobility to the forefront of financial thinking?

2023-05-10, 12:35 PM

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Tabitha Carpenter
SVP Region Europe South & West - Australia & Africa, Volvo Financial Services

Tabitha Carpenter is senior vice president and head of region Europe South and West, Australia and Africa at Volvo Financial Services (VFS), the captive finance arm of the Volvo Group. Promoted to her current role in January 2020, Tabitha is responsible for leading the region and driving her team to think differently and create flexible financing solutions for the Volvo Group’s brands, dealers and customers.


A key focus of her role is to accelerate the transition to fossil-free transport solutions offered by the Volvo Group’s brands. To accomplish this, Tabitha and her team are focused on implementing innovative business models and financial solutions that eliminate potential barriers customers may face when making the switch to electric trucks and machines.


Tabitha has been with VFS for 20 years, working in various positions of increasing responsibility across the organization. Prior to her current role, Tabitha was managing director of VFS UK and Ireland, helping lead the team to exceed their business performance targets. She was also instrumental in establishing the VFS Ireland market.

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How we can all contribute and … urgently

2023-05-10, 10:35 AM

Session Details:

ESG risks, opportunities within automotive captive finance

2023-05-10, 9:35 AM

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Estelle Skopan
Director of ESG & Sustainability, Volvo Financial Services

Estelle Skopan is director of environmental, social, governance (ESG) & sustainability within Volvo Financial Services (VFS), the captive finance arm of the Volvo Group. Serving in her current role since November 2021, Estelle is responsible for all aspects of the development of VFS’ ESG & sustainability program and ensuring alignment with the sustainability efforts of the broader Volvo Group.


Estelle is also responsible for designing and driving the VFS sustainability roadmap to decarbonize VFS’s portfolio, support customers and business partners in their sustainability journey to low-carbon and circular business models, develop a sustainable lending framework, and advance VFS’ societal engagement program.


Estelle has been with VFS for nearly 20 years, working in various areas across the organization. Prior to her current role, Estelle served as global regulatory compliance director as part of the VFS global legal and compliance team.

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How we can all contribute and … urgently

2023-05-10, 10:35 AM

Session Details:

ESG risks, opportunities within automotive captive finance

2023-05-10, 9:35 AM

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Thomas Nokin
CEO, Basikon

Thomas has acquired a strong expertise in software development. He has worked particularly in the financing, private equity and venture sector and has held the position of CTO on several occasions. He is a graduate engineer from the École Polytechnique.

Session Details:

Fireside chat: What do the relevant solutions look like to adapt to the environmental responsibility context?

2023-05-10, 4:05 PM

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Colin Fleischmann
Director of Global Accounts and Business Development, Solifi

As a leader for the global business development effort for Solifi, Colin has over 25 years of experience as a specialist in secured finance in the equipment, asset, auto and fleet finance industries. Colin’s past experience includes the implementation of software solutions from leasing to commercial lending, mortgage lending, and hybrid products for government agencies.

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How we can all contribute and … urgently

2023-05-10, 10:35 AM

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Angelo Fienga
Director, Sustainable Solutions, Cisco

Angelo Fienga is Director, Sustainable Solutions  at Cisco EMEAR, where he is responsible for defining strategies and solutions to help public and private companies achieve their Sustainability and Circular Economy goals.

Angelo is an international leader with an excellent knowledge of the telecommunications and ICT industry in which he has worked for the last 25+ years. During his career he has developed extensive technical, marketing and pre-sales leadership skills both in Fortune 500 companies - Ericsson, Cisco Systems, Qualcomm - and in start-ups - Elsacom, Sky4Apps - achieving excellent results in the areas of technology and business development.

In recent years Angelo has helped drive the strategy for highly disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud, Drones/edge intelligence and Unified Communications. Angelo is also co-author of an Open Patent on Circular Economy

Angelo holds a MSc degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Rome (La Sapienza), where he also obtained a Master in Data Intelligence and Decision Science in 2019. He also obtained the certification in Design Thinking both at Cisco and IDEOU and the Cisco Black Belt Certification in Data Science.

Angelo lives in Rome, is married and has two daughters.

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How do I future-proof my business against climate change?

2023-05-10, 3:05 PM

Session Details:

Finance Impact: Carbon emissions and energy savings as key enablers of circular IT and new commercial model

2023-05-10, 2:05 PM

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Benoît Heitz
Partner, Onepoint

A graduate of Audencia and a DECF, Benoît began his career in 1991 in Statutory Audit and M&A advisory services. After several years in the financial department of BNPP, he joined PWC Consulting. In 2010, Benoît joined Steria as Head of Banking and Insurance Consulting, then from 2016 he was Head of Banking at Sopra Steria Consulting and member of the CSR advisory board of Sopra Steria group.

Benoît is one of the Senior Partner in charge of the onepoint financial services activity since 2019.

Session Details:

Fireside chat: What do the relevant solutions look like to adapt to the environmental responsibility context?

2023-05-10, 4:05 PM

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Andrey Maramzine
Chief Sustainability Officer, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions

Andrey Maramzine was appointed Chief Sustainability Officer at BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions in May 2022, a position that marked a pivotal moment in the organisation's commitment to sustainability. His presence on the global executive committee underscores his influential role in shaping the company's direction.

In his capacity as Chief Sustainability Officer, Andrey has been instrumental in orchestrating a comprehensive Sustainability Strategy that encompasses every facet of the organisation. Previously, Andrey devoted over 16 years to BNP Paribas Corporate and Investment Bank, where he held a diverse array of positions. His tenure as a macro, sector, and thematic equity strategist afforded him a multifaceted perspective on the financial world, which he now leverages to drive sustainability initiatives.

Andrey's credentials reflect his dedication to sustainability and responsible finance. He proudly holds both the CFA ESG and "Certified ESG Analyst" certifications from the prestigious European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies, further affirming his expertise in the field. Andrey studied at Sciences-Po Paris and HEC Paris.

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How do I future-proof my business against climate change?

2023-05-10, 3:05 PM

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Lindsay Smart
Head of Sustainability, Triple Point

Lindsay is Triple Point’s Head of Sustainability, responsible for ensuring Triple Point continue to innovate and embrace sustainable best practice across the business.  Lindsay supports all investment strategies in their ESG integration, and where applicable impact, investment commitments and is also a member of the Groups Executive Committee.


Lindsay has previously led the development of an award-winning sustainability and impact assessment tool, advised companies and investors in the UK and USA on their approach to sustainability integration, in addition to developing internal sustainability strategies and delivering sustainability training and workshops for all levels of professionals.  


In 2017, she was named by Brummel Magazine as one of the top 50 influential women in Sustainability. Since 2016, she has acted as an assessor for the Unilever Sustainable Living Young Entrepreneurs Award and was previously a member of the UKSIF analyst committee and judge for the City of London Sustainable Finance Awards.


Lindsay has over 18 years of finance industry experience and has previously worked at ClearlySo, VigeoEiris, Citi, Allianz Global Investors and JPMorgan Asset Management, and has formal training in sustainability from Cambridge University.

Session Details:

Developing change makers

2023-05-10, 4:25 PM

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Marie-Sylvie Bertail
CEO, GreenFlex

Session Details:

Risk and funding challenges in energy transition projects

2023-05-10, 4:45 PM

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Philippe Segui
Chief International Officer, GreenFlex

Session Details:

Risk and funding challenges in energy transition projects

2023-05-10, 4:45 PM

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Sustainable Finance Summit & Awards 2023: Winners Announced!

The Sustainable Finance Awards recognised the efforts by leading financial institutions to achieve their sustainable outcomes through innovation, breadth of coverage, and rigorous use of data across the continent.

The winners of the Sustainable Finance Summit & Awards 2023 were announced during an evening gala event in Paris at Four Seasons George V, Paris.

The Winners for Sustainable Finance Summit & Awards 2023 are:


Best ‘ESG/Sustainability’ Initiative of the Year: Environmental Aspects
Triple Point Investment Management LLP

Best ‘ESG/Sustainability’ Initiative of the Year: Social Aspects

Best ‘ESG/Sustainability’ Initiative of the Year: Social Aspects (Special Award)

Best ‘ESG/Sustainability’ Initiative of the Year: Governance Aspects
ABN AMRO Asset Based Finance N.V.

Best Circular Economy Model: Equipment

Best “Give me a New Life” Funding Programme

Best Resource Optimisation Model: As-A-Service/Shared Economy

Best New Services Solutions: Data and Asset Management

Best Energy Transition Financing Programmes

Best Energy Efficiency Financing Programme
Capitas Finance

Best E-mobility Financing Programmes
PEAC Solutions

Best Impact Finance Solution
Cisco Systems Capital Corporation

Best Energy Transition Strategy: Business Model & Service Innovation
Volvo Financial Services

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Finance Director Europe


The Money Outlook


Contact Us


Ray Giddings

Events Director

+44 (0) 20 7936 6512


Megan Gleave

Programme Director

+44 020 4540 7727


Moona Popal

Marketing Manager


To enquire about sponsorship opportunities, please contact:

Ray Giddings

Director of Events

+44 (0)20 7936 6512 M. +44 (0)7803 393327


To enquire about speaking opportunities for the conference, please contact:

Megan Gleave

Senior Conference Producer

+44 020 4540 7727